Chapter 7

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Panchaali sat in the gardens humming as she sat doing embroidery work on one of the shawl, her hand moved with precision as she made small golden dhanush one after another on the borders, she wasn't sure whether he will like it or not but she really hopped he will.

"What are you doing Sakhi?" Questioned Krishn as he moved towards her with a smile on his face, "Nothing really just embroidering." She whispered as she looked up at him, he smiled as he sat next to her, "and who might this gift be for?" He asked with a raised brow as he sat next to her, she blushed as she looked down, "hmm so this is for Paarth." He teased making her cheeks warmer, she nodded timidly, "That's so sweet." He whispered as he looked at the little dhanush border that's was almost complete, "You really have thought well about this." He complimented, "Do you think he will like it? I know it's nothing expensive, just a simple shawl." She said as she looked down a little embarrassed, what does one gift to the prince of Hastinapur, who has all the riches of the world? Who could buy anything he wished.

Krishn smiled as he looked at his Sakhi, "A person's feelings behind the gift matter the most and not it's cost." Stated Madhav as he smiled, "And to Paarth, this gift would mean more than any riches of the world, for you made it with so much love and care. It is priceless." He explained with his ever calm smile making her smile up at him. "What was the most beautiful gift you ever received?" She asked making him chuckle, a serene smile appeared on his face as soft tears glazed in his eyes. "You know the best day of my life was a year back on akshaytritya when my daughter was born, you know she was this little thing, cry when I had first seen her." Krishn began, tears glazing in his eyes yet there was the brightest smile on his face, there was so much happiness on his face like he had won the entire world, and even more. She looked up at him as her heart tugged painfully, the joy on his face was something one couldn't put in words.

"You know when I saw her for the first time it was like the entire world had stopped moving and shrunk down to her, my entire world was in my arms that day, crying and when she smiled... I just can't explain the happiness, that joy, that emotion, I don't think any father could ever put that in words. You know one thing, that a daughter is a father's true treasure, no riches or diamonds could compare to that one smile that she gives and it's like the entire world of the father is lit. If you never had a daughter, trust me, you had nothing in your life. But unfortunate are the people who don't understand this blessing, a blessing in the form of a daughter. I truly pity those people who instead of loving and caring for their daughter just treat them with disgrace. Those people my dear can never end up happy." He whispered as he looked at her, his finger moving to her cheek and catching the tear before it could fall, "Wasting this precious gems on a man like Drupad is a complete waste." He whispered as he looked at her and patted her head as he stood up and left, her mind a chaos of question and feelings, she shook her head as she pushed herself to stand up and moved towards the river bank, giving the shawl to one of the daasis to keep it back in her room.

Arjun smiled as he looked at his fiance who was walking down the path of the gardens, he followed her, "and where is my princess going?" He asked making her turn, she smiled as she looked at him, "No where really, just for a walk." She whispered as she looked at him, he smiled as he moved towards her, "Can I join you than?" He asked, she nodded and the two began to walk together.

Arjun felt a peace like never before as he walked with her, like everything was perfect once again, as though a piece that was missing in his life had finally fallen in it's place. He took her hand in his and intertwined their fingers together making her look up at him. For that moment everything seemed to come to a stop, like nothing existed anymore in that moment except them, the love and their attraction zapping in the air, in this moment Arjun realised that all the feelings that he had been feeling for so long was nothing but love, that he loved this girl more than anyone in the world, that without his knowledge she had somehow managed to rob his heart, and now owned it like a true queen. They say there's just one moment enough to fall in love but he fell in love with her over and over again and every time he managed to find a new depth of their love. He wanted to make her his, to own her but the irony, the great archer, the man who was known as Vijaya had lost to her, had lost his very soul and for the first time this loss gave him more joy than any happiness before, he didn't know whether she loved him or not but he knew one thing for sure that he loved her more than life, that he needed her more than his next breath.

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