Chapter 45

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Duryodhan's heart grew still in his chest,as his gaze fell on Panchaali, the ebony eyes that once held nothing but innocence were today spitting fire, the flames that roared in those dark orbs had him stumbling back.

Terror tickled down his spine, like a drop of acid that was burning every little bravery that he had.

He wanted to look away, time and again he had wronged many women. He knew that, to him women were just objects, nothing more than a bug that was meant to be smashed under his shoe.

But gazing back at this dark eyed beauty, he was suddenly of all those women that he had wronged.

His heart pumped in his chest, while images of women screaming and begging in pain filled his mind.

He shook his head trying to get rid of the images, have a control on yourself, you can't be scared of a woman, women like her have always been under your feet. You can't be scared of this vermin!

He mentally shouted at himself, his breathing picked up while his nose flared in fury.

I won't be scared by a woman!

He mentally shouted at himself, fisting his hands by his sides. His jaw set while he glared with utter disgust and fury at the woman in front of him.

This stupid bitch thought she can scare him? Has she lost her mind? He wanted to chuckle. He couldn't believe that he was getting scared of this woman who didn't even possess a weapon.

What was wrong with him? How could he forget, that the worst a woman could do was curse.

He wanted to chuckle, curse? Those empty threats did nothing to scare him. He glared at Panchaali, spitting the words in disgust and hatred,

"So much ego you have woman! You're at my mercy yet you're glaring at me? You really don't love your life, do you?" He snapped, growling, his hand tightening in her hair. Tugging at it sharply, expecting her to moan or shout in agony.

Panchaali continued to glare at him, her scalp burned with pain but she refused to give him the satisfaction of hearing her shout in pain.

She bit the inside of her cheek, to keep from shouting out in agony. Her hands fisted on her lehnga, while agony burned through the pores of her scalp as the man continued to tighten his hold, glaring at her.

She could see the annoyance in his eyes, that she wasn't screaming or begging in pain.

She wanted to smirk, never in her life will she give a man like him the satisfaction of seeing her in agony. Never.

The aura ball in her, was burning, she trembled where she stood trying to contain the energy in her that was roaring to come out. Her eyes turned blood red, fury slowly burning her from within.

His hold in her hair intensified, making the agony in her scalp intensify. A deadly silence fell upon the room, while energy cackled around them.

A burst of energy filled Panchaali, while her hand wrapped around Duryodhan's,the one that held her hair, her dark stormy orbs glaring intensely at him.

Her hand tightened on his wrist, while he smirked arrogantly.

With a sharp tug of her hand, his hold loosened on her tresses, she glared at him with menace, her scarlet eyes making everyone fall in a stunned silence.

She twisted his hand at an odd angle, making him shout in pain, while her hold tightened.

Her breathing came in short pants, while she continued to glare at him.

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