Chapter 11

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Arjun's head shot towards her as her hand moved in his, "Arjun." He heard her whisper, he looked at her and smiled, relief flooded through his systems as tears filled his eyes.

" He heard her whisper, he looked at her and smiled, relief flooded through his systems as tears filled his eyes

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"My sleeping beauty is finally awake. Good morning lazy heads, you slept for all too long." He whispered as he caressed her cheeks, she looked at him as pink dusted her skin, "Arjun." She whispered softly as her hand moved to cup his cheeks, a lazy smile appeared on her face as her eyes met with his, he kissed her palm as he gazed at her.

"You missy scared me to no end." He whispered with affection looking at her, a small smile bloomed on her face, "The great mighty warrior Gandivdhaari Arjun and scared?" She teased, making him chuckle. "You hold the life of this Gandivdhaari in you, so yes indeed I was scared." He whispered intensely as his gaze held hers captive, her heart beat violently in her chest as he looked at her, he pressed his lips to her forehead, "Don't ever do that again." He whispered, fear and pain lacing his voice, she shook her head as she looked at him, a smile on her face. "Never." She whispered, her forehead laid against his, as a warmth filled her chest one that had her heart thudding in her chest with warm fuzzy feelings.

Arjun sighed in relief, now he felt better, all the exhaustion and pain left his body as all the pain vanished, it was like seeing her hearty and healthy healed him completely. He beamed at her as he watched her cheeks turn a bright shade of red from his gaze on her, he chuckled at her cuteness.


Panchaali's heart was thundering in her chest as the old lady told her how Arjun had been with her, what all he did, her eyes filled with tears, her heart jolted with shock as she told Panchaali, that she was indeed now Arjun's wife. So many emotions swirled in her, happiness, excitement, anxiety and fear, what if this was all just a beautiful dream and it will shatter soon?

She moved towards the small mirror that was in the hut, she wanted to see that this was no dream, that she was his wife, that she was his now, she shut her eyes as she stood in front of the mirror, her heart thundering in her chest, what if this was all a dream? She slowly lifted her eye lids, she watched that she wore a white saree with golden border with no ornaments whatsoever. Her long dark curls were left loose as she had a kumkum bindi on her forehead, her heart beat in anticipation as his eyes fell on her maang, her breathing hitched as disbelief filled her soul as she looked at the red in her maang.

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