Chapter 42

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Blood flowed like river on the battle ground as bodies littered the ground, the air was heavy with tension as death reigned the place, the heaviness in the air was enough was enough to chock a person to death. Arjun’s and Krishn’s eyes met the two were dripping with blood as they shared a look, their eyes ere blazing with fury as their breaths came in short pants.

“Please, please let me go.” Vrishketu begged as his heart thrummed hard against in chest as he glared at him, Arjun’s body was vibrating with anger as he glared at the man ahead of him, “You should have thought before speaking about my wife.” He spat as he glared at him, Vrishketu regretted his words as his heart thumped wildly in his chest, he knew that he had crossed a line. “Finish him Paarth, we have better problems to deal with.” Krishn gritted as in the back of his mind he could see Ulekha remove the dagger, his eyes blazing with anger as he glared at her, why was everyone in a hussy to die today? He thought as he glared at Vrishketu ahead of him.

Arjun raise his sword with a loud battle cry leaving his mouth as he raised his hand brought it down with great force, he could feel the sword cut through his neck, making it detach from the body as it cut through the spinal cord, the sickly sound of crunching bones filling the air as blood splashed on his face, making him look all the more deadly with the anger marred on his face, he shut his eyes as his powers cackled in air, he could feel the shift in the energy as Ulekha opened the door to his room, his eyes turned redder as menace washed over him, images flashed through his mind of her moving towards his wife, red boiling fury shot through him making him tremble where he stood, why, he failed to understand. Why the hell every time it was his family, his damn wife that was targeted?

Why the hell did they feel like they could just march in his happy life and he would let them do that? His breath came in shorter pants as the level of fury had his rational thinking vanishing, Panchaali was his one weakness and his one strength, he didn’t appreciate people just marching in and trying to harm her. how difficult was it for them to understand that she was his? His and his alone, did she really think that he will let her harm his wife? Did she really think that when he was out, he would leave her without any safety measure? What did she think Arjun was? A moron? He was freaking warrior, a man who is trained to be prepared for ever situation and Panchaali was one person that he could never lose, the thought of just losing her made his blood boiled, his heart thrummed violently as images after of Ulekha walking towards his wife his hands clenching.

The over protective side of him was scratching to come out, his wrath was building every passing second making him feel like he would tear Ulekha into pieces, his heart thudded violently, his heart burning with anger, a smirk appeared on his face as the beast in him was ready to be unleashed, an intense sense of possessiveness washed over him as he washed over him, never in his life had he ever tried to harm anyone without a reason, than he didn’t understand why people were so adamant on harming the one woman that he loved the most, his heart squeezed as Panchaali’s face washed over in his memories making the menace in him intensifying, the clouds on the battle ground turned darker and darker and thundered loudly, as the darkness intensified, his powers cackled as his hand tightened around his Gandiv, he let the change wash over him as he felt beast in him take over.

Krishn watched his best friend, if death ever had a face he knew it would match Arjun’s in the moment, his usually joyous hazel brown eyes were lit with anger, as his face that usually held happiness was today dark with anger, he could see that Arjun was trembling where he stood, his eyes blazing red, he picked up the Gandiv as he gave Vasudev a nod, which he returned and disappeared in thin air, Vasudev smiled, his work had ended here it was time he turned to his home.

The power cackled in the room as Ulekha walked over to the sleeping form of Panchaali, a smirk on her face as she watched her sleeping figure, who could have thought that this woman would never wake up from this sleep that she had slept in. her hand tightened on the hilt of the dagger, the heavy weight of it making her smile as she watched Panchaali smile in her sleep.

“Smile all you want woman for this would be the last time you ever would.” She spat as her hands tightened on the dagger, her hand itching to raise it high and stab it in the chest of Panchaali, making her bleed profusely, the image of her bleeding and thrashing in the place gave her intense happiness making her feel like she was on top of the world. She raised her hand as hate for Panchaali thrummed through her making her smirk menacingly as she raised the dagger above her head, “You will die.” She whispered as she glared at the woman ahead of her.

“I dare you do that.” The cold hard voice of Arjun rang throughout the room making her freeze, her heard thudded in her chest violently as her eyes widened, the sharp cold words of Arjun screamed a warning that was enough to have biggest warriors falling on their knees, terror thrummed through her system as her heart beat violently against her chest making her feel like it will throb out of her chest, the intense sense of dread washed over her making it difficult for him to breath, she trembled like a leaf as she recalled all the stories that she had heard about Arjun’s anger .

Her breath hitched as an intense sense of doom washed over her making her feel like this would be her end, what had she done?! Her heart thudded violently as she vibrated with fear, she felt as though she was slowly losing her mind, her eyes blinked back tears as fear like never before wrapped around her heart making her feel like her death was walking towards her and maybe it was. . .


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