Chapter 35

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“Arjun has stopped the search for the raj vedh. I think he is giving up.” Duryodhan said with a smirk, he knew there was nothing that his uncle couldn’t accomplish, if he had promised that he would make Arjun give up than he will. “Of course, he has, Gandhar raj has managed to successfully finish the vedh and the man who shot arrows at Panchaali, there is no other way for Arjun to find us, he is finally safe.” Ulekha said with a smile, as her hand wrapped around the pitcher of alcohol, she raised it and filled three glasses, “To our victory.” She said with a smirk as she picked her golden glass, “Mama ji why do you look so tense?” Duryodhan asked as he looked at his mamashree, “Because unlike you fools, I don’t begin celebrations of victory before the end.” He snapped as he glared at the two, “Arjun is not a man who will give up so easily, his instinctual need to protect his wife and child wouldn’t let him, he is an alpha male, not a clown to give up this easily, he is planning something, but what I don’t understand is what is going in his mind. What is he planning? He is an injured tiger, by attacking Panchaali and his child you morons have begun a war that you two have no idea what destructions it could cause. Arjun is not someone you mess with; his heart holds no mercy for the person who threatens his family, don’t forget what our spies had informed about him destroying the Panchaal, he burned down the entire damn palace to ashes when his mother in law just attempted to kill his fiancé, who wasn’t even his wife back than but you morons have dared to actually hurt not only her but his child. And you are telling me that he gave up? Just like that. When the tiger is hunting, his prey can’t see him, doesn’t mean that he is not there waiting to snap its neck, don’t be the fool unaware and ignorant prey, for Arjun is out there hunting down your asses.” Gandhar Raj growled, his eyes blazing red as he looked at the two, this morons really had no idea what mess they had created, among the five Pandav brothers Arjun was the one whom even Shakuni avoided, he as not just intelligent, the tales of Arjun killing mercilessly were known by all and this two morons had pulled him in this game now as well. He didn’t give a damn what happened to Ulekha, if time came, he wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice her, but Duryodhan was a totally different case. Duryodhan was the son of his sister, he could see everything but never his sister cry, he loved her way too much for that. He stood up and moved towards the window, his eyes looking over at the large expanse of the gardens, unlike everyday he felt no peace today, for he could hear the footfalls of the death moving towards these two morons, he had to protect his nephew, but the question was how???


“Panchaali that’s cheating.” Arjun said, a smirk on his face as he looked down on the chees board, his eyes meeting his wife’s who gave him an innocent look, her eyes lighting up with mischief, her dark orbs looking into his holding him captive, “What did I do arya? I am just playing. I never cheat.” She said innocently, biting her bottom lip as a mischievous smile spread on her face, he smirked as his hand shot out wrapping around the back of her neck in a soothing hold, bringing her closer to him as he laid his forehead against hers. His close proximity had her breath hitching as she felt him move closer, “You are distracting me, I am thinking of my next move.” She whispered, her voice breathy as he rubbed his nose against hers making a small smile blossom on her face, “Arya see who is cheating now.” She whispered softly, “And who began this.” He teased as began peppering kissing down from her jawline to her neck, his open-mouthed kisses had her heart beating erratically making it hammer against her chest wildly, sparks ran down her body making her tremble where she sat, a gasp left her mouth as butterflies fluttered in her stomach making her eyes shut with the pleasure. “Arya.” She moaned his name as he nibbled her nape, biting it delicately making her hand fist on his shoulder, her heart hammered wildly in her chest, sparks running through her as waves after waves of pleasure ran through her.
A knock had Arjun sighing as he laid his forehead against her shoulder, he huffed as frustration ran through him. “Who the hell comes at a time like this?” He nearly growled making her giggle, he pulled her in his lap and began kissing her nape again, her giggles froze as a moan threatened to break lose through her lips, “Arya someone is waiting outside.” She whispered, though she knew she should go and invite whoever was out in, his kisses were distracting her, “Let me go arya.” She said halfheartedly as he completely ignored all her pleas and continued with his sweet torture, he sucked on the sensitive skin of her neck making goosebumps break throughout her body as intense pleasure ran through her, “Arya.” She moaned as his arms tightened around her and pulled her hard against his chest making her heart skip a beat, the knock came again this time more insistent, “Arya please.” She moaned as he hummed and moved to her collarbone neck giving her another hickey there. Her hands fisted on his biceps, as the intense pleasure shot down her spine, she quivered in his arms, “Arya please listen to me.” She nearly begged, he smirked against her nape, “Of course I am listening, the question is why should I stop, what do I get in return if I make this huge sacrifice of letting my wife go.” He taunted as his hands tightened against her waist, his lips slammed against hers in a desired kiss, his lips fused with hers as he sucked and nipped at her bottom lip, his one hand traveled to her hair and pressed her hard against him, her chest smashing into his as she breathed heavily, goosebumps running down her body, his tongue tangled with hers, doing a sooth love dance with hers turning her mind into a mush, the distant knocking had her aware of her surroundings once again. “What do you wish for arya?” She questioned as she broke away from the kiss, her words sounding breathier as her lips throbbed from all the kissing, he however began sucking her earlobe again making her eyes shut at the intense flood of ecstasy, “What are you ready to give?” He teased, “What where I have, even myself, all belongs to you. I shall give my very soul if that is what you wish.” She whispered against his lips, her dark orbs meeting his hazel ones that softened with love, he cupped her cheeks, “And this is the very reason why I love you the way I do. You are a beautiful soul and you are all mine, you understand this, never questioned me. The trust that you show in me, makes me who I am, makes me want to be a better person for you. I promise you something dear that whoever tried to ever harm you or our child, will face a merciless death.” He whispered in her ear, the sheer possessiveness and protectiveness in his words had her breathing heavily, her body throbbed as core clenched, “At times I fear this side of yours arya. This protective and possessiveness has me worrying.” She confessed, her eyes lit with concern as she looked at him, he smirked as he looked at her. His fingers tracing her forehead to her cheek, with his rough callous fingers, a smile on his face, “You have nothing to be afraid of.” He whispered as he sealed her lips with his, the knock had them breaking away, he sighed in frustration as she giggled, she got up from his arms and moved towards the door after straightening clothes and hair. He smirked as he watched his wife move towards the door and pull it open, a maid walked in, “Hail the king and the queen, Gandhar raj has invited you and queen for a game of chess your highness.” She delivered the message, bowed and she turned around and left. “Gandhar raj and chess arya? Did his dices break today?” She joked making him chuckle, “Dear, when desperate people try everything.” He smirked as he stated cryptically, a smirk on his face, he stretched as she looked at him confused, he pecked her lips, his hand rubbing soothingly over her womb, “Let’s go.” He whispered as he laced her fingers with his, he pressed a kiss on the back of her hand making her blush as he guided her towards the game room. . .


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