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Covers are the face of a book. It's not easy to design a desirable cover as per the author's expectations and make it fit the story requirement. As writer's we add emotions to words but covers adds the colours to the story.

Thanks to dear my friend mentioned below to help me with such lovely cover.



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Panchaali's POV:

My scalp burned with agony, as the grip on my hair tightened, the agony of which burned me from within.

My eyes burned with tears, as they tracked down my cheeks, this was my fate, I will be sold.

All the hope and fight left me, as I gazed at the long queue of girls, who ranged from five to twenties.

This is where hell began, the realisation sat heavy in my chest.

Seventeen and sold? Was this how my future would be like?

Would I only ever be nothing but a body satisfying the need of men? Hours I had spent fighting and screaming, my body was ready to give up as it thrummed from the whipping I had received.

My heart slithered with agony, as I gazed at the queue ahead of me shortening. I wanted to run away and hide, get away from everything, please please just save me someone, please..

I mentally begged, pathetic right? But now the fight had left me, gazing at the muscled men surrounding me, I knew if I tried to escape I will be forced and taken in front of everyone.

My stomach roiled as my throat tightened, I felt like a cage bird that was locked in. I wanted to fly, to be free, to just read and right but was it too much to ask.

Just let me leave please. Tears tracked down my cheeks, one after another. My heart felt like it was being pierced by a thousand thorns, I had legs but I couldn't run.

What had my life begun?

What had I become? My bottom lip quivered while I bit on it, as wetness tracked down my cheeks.

Why?! Oh why me?!!!

I wanted to scream, some loud announcements were being done, but I was too far gone in my mind to actually pay attention to anything.

I wanted to scream, the helplessness sat heavily like a rock on my heart, my lungs were closing making it difficult for me to breath.

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