Chapter 9

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Panchaali sat in front of the horse as Arjun held on to the reigns, "Don't you think we are going a bit too slow?" She asked, looking up at him a smile on her face, "Hm so what if I am?  I never want this journey to calm to an end. Here like this with you in my arms,I feel complete." He whispered as he looked intently at her making her heart thump in her chest as she looked up at him, her cheeks heated as shyness filled her soul.

He smiled, his heart thudding in his chest as he pressed his lips to her cheek, "Adorable." He whispered making her heart thump harder as her cheeks turned a brilliant shade of red.

They enjoyed their small moment as she rested her head on his shoulder enjoying the feel of him. Panchaali could feel the calmness, she didn't know why but every moment that she spent with him felt like something very special, she felt something that she never felt before, usually all she felt was coldness and hatred from her parents and sister but with him, she felt a warmth, he illicit a emotion that she never really felt before, she couldn't name it, just feel it and she didn't know how to feel about it. Everything was so new and so different, though things were just like the way they were before he came, sun rose before too but she was never really so excited for a day to begin before the way she is now, an unknown excitement, an unknown thrill, that she will spent another day with him and everything was normal, yet she felt nothing was, she felt everything was magical, what do you call this feeling? She really was curious, how do one name something so special? Is there even a name for this feeling? Maybe yes, or maybe no, she just wished that this feeling never got over, that he never left her.

He looked down at her, one person, one simple person and your entire life revolved around them, too many emotions and at the center of it all was this one person with whom your day begin and ended with. Everyone should fall in love once, like he had, he like many others out there could never really understand the hype of love, like why do people so go crazy about just talking and thinking about it? He could never really understand, until now, until she came to his life. Everything felt so dull and deary but the moment she touched his life, it was like a magical spell that was cast, suddenly everything thing was so beautiful and magical.

As a warrior with all his training and wars that he had been too, he had seen life end, it get destroyed, the hate, the dispute that lead to the destruction of many, but she showed him that life can be beautiful, or how beautiful life really is, life is more than his gandiv and his archery, life is having that one partner who would be there with you through thick and thin, life is having that one person whom he loved more than oneself, life is having that one person who can love you more than anyone before, life is love and love is life. We all search for love some where or another, in our imaginations, in our surroundings, sometimes even in the pages of the books, but this search doesn't end, not until we meet that one person, the way he had, knowingly or unknowingly he had always searched for love, like all the others who did before him, who still do, he had found his and he really wished that everyone found theirs, because he believed that, without love people just exist but with love, you learn to live your life in true terms. . .

He smiled as he pressed a quick kiss on her forehead and sighed in content, he looked down at her and smiled, he was doing that a lot now a days, smiling without a reason, being happy without really a cause, her close proximity to him was enough to make him happy.

He felt the horse come to a stop as he gazed at his surroundings, something was strange, something was just not right, all the happiness and calmness that he felt just disappeared. His hand moved to his Gandiv as his other one tightened around her. She felt the tension in his body making her look up at him, "What happened?" She asked, her eyes gazing up at him with worry shining in them.

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