Chapter 19

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Panchaali moved down the streets of Indraprasth market with her husband, they were disguised as commoners today, it was her idea to check out the market and meet the people as commoners and see how their people are doing first hand. The market was buzzing with people, so many of them, doing different stuff, she was mesmerized, being a fire born and a royal, she never really had the chance to explore the kingdom and it's people as commoners, their eyes travelled to the various vendors selling colorful things.

To say Arjun was amused would be putting it lightly, he looked at his wife, she was glowing with excitement and happiness of a kid who was seeing the world first time, and she was. He knew she was born recently through the yagn, had not much experience of the world and he hoped that from now on all her experiences are just going to be beautiful.

His hand was possessively wrapped around her waist, as his eyes continuously scanned the crowds, looking for danger, the warrior in him was not at peace, nothing seemed out of ordinary here, people were going about their daily jobs just as they did.

"Come love." He whispered in her ear as he guided her to a vendor selling knick knacks, "Arya can I have that one!" She asked pointing to a small statue of cute couple with a baby in their hand, a smile appeared on his face as he looked at it, a smile appearing on his face as he pressed a kiss on the side of her head, making her blush, "Anything you wish is yours." He whispered as he tightened his hold on her waist, she gave him a beautiful smile as he told the vendor to pack it and paid for it, he passed the package to her. Before they moved ahead, a smile on his face, they shopped for some more things.

Panchaali smiled as she looked at the material of the soft saffron lehnga, she felt eyes of another man, another customer on her. The stranger's eyes were drawn to Panchaali like a magnet, he was openly staring at her curves, f*ck this girl was sexy.

Panchaali watched as the guy stared at her, was something wrong with her? Were the clothes weird or something or did she have something on her face? It was simply way too much strange for a guy to stare at her, who wasn't her husband. She felt uncomfortable as she shuffled from one feet to another.

"If I were you I would stop looking at her like that right this moment." A cold voice said, that had her shivering in fear even though she knew that the words were not directed towards her. She turned around to watch Arjun moving towards them, his fists clenched to his side as his jaw was set. His eyes were spitting fire as he glared at the guy in front of her, the guy paled.

"Arya... " Sang whispered, once he stood in front of her, blocking her completely from the guy. His body was taunt with anger as his jaw was set as he glared at the man, who was now pale, trembling as he stared at her husband, whose eyes were glaring at him, he tried moving ahead but Panchaali's hand wrapped around his elbow, "No arya." She whispered as she looked at him, he looked down at her sideways, his eyes were lit with possessiveness as he glared at him. Panchaali's heart thundered in her chest as she looked at him, she shook her head once, he gave her barely there nod as he looked at the man in front of him.

Dhananjay stepped forward, his hand wrapping around the back of the neck of the man and pulled him closer to his face, his eyes looked in the eyes of the man, "Look at her once again I dare you." He whispered, the threat in his voice clear as day as he glared at the trembling man, who grew paler and paler, he was literally trembling.

"Um, " The poor man, whom Arjun was glaring on stammered before his voice faded once he saw the dark stormy expression on Dhananjay's face. He raised his hand in the air like a surrendering motion before slowly and began moving back. He turned around and ran away like he was on fire.

Panchaali bit her lip to keep from laughing, poor guy. She couldn't hold it in any more, she giggled. Her humour intensified as she saw the man ran into an old woman, got slapped by her making him stumble back before he looked at Arjun, trembling as he got up again and dashed away. She giggled laying her head on her husband's shoulder sideways, hiding her face in the crook of his neck as she giggled, her body racking with laughter as she remembered the pale face of the man.

"You think it's funny?" He questioned his voice laced with amusement, as his hand cupped the back of her head, as she giggled uncontrollably, she looked up at his amused face,her eyes meeting her as she tried to keep a straight face but couldn't as bursted in giggles, "Very" She mumbled in between giggles as she replied, tears of joy in her eyes, he kissed the tip of her nose, "I love seeing you laugh." He whispered as he traced her cheeks, she blushed as she looked at him through her lashes, "I think we should return it's getting late." He said as he wrapped his hand around her wrist, he looked at her a smile on his face as he looked at her, she blushed and nodded, indeed it was getting late. He looked at her, a smile on her face as her husband, life with him was so beautiful, she laid her head on his shoulder sideways as he walked down with her to their palace, life was no less than fairy tale for her, a amazing husband, who happened to be a king, the prince charming of her dreams, who entered her life that was filled with chaos and pain, just like magic with his entry things were fine again, life was good again. He was her husband and the love of her life, the man who alerted her life forever, the man who made her smile at every moment of life, who made her believe that life can be beautiful, who made a broken shell of a princess, more like a maid, his queen, his wife, he was the Gandivdhaari Arjun, the fiercest prince of Kuru, the great king of Aryavart, and most importantly, the man who ruled her heart, body, mind and soul, her arya.

Arjun gazed at his wife, a calmness and peace settling in his heart as he looked at her, like always he forgot about everything and everyone when he saw her, his delicate, precious girl. Who brought the worse and the best out in him, for years now he had been living a life without really an aim, going on wars, practicing, smiling, all the things that a good warrior did, that a good son did, that a good brother and prince did, he thought he had it all, name, fame, valour and adoration. All the things a person that needed to live but then his eyes fell on her and it was like he was jerked awake from the deep sleep that he had been for years now, she walked in his life with a grace unmatched by anyone before, women threw themselves at his feet but she held her head high and looked him in the eyes, robbing his heart away with just one look, the man who never lost, bowed at her feet, and the most surprising thing, he enjoyed every moment of his lost, because after losing at the hands of love, he had gained a new world, her, his reason to live, his wife, his dream girl, his queen, his Panchaali. . .




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