Chapter 32

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Panchaali felt numb, her heart thudding in her chest, as she moved up to the balcony. Her ears buzzed as tears flowed down her cheeks, dead was all she felt, she dragged her feet across the floor as she moved towards the rail of the balcony, Arjun's words ringing in her mind. You will have to terminate your baby. Seven words, mere seven words had shaken the base of their seven vows, once that they had exchanged promising each other the world. Her heart burned as she moved up to the rail of the balcony, her hand touching her stomach. "I am sorry my child. Mata is ending your life here with hers, I wanted to give you the world but look at my helplessness, I can't even give you birth. I am so so sorry baby, mata is really really sorry. She loves you more than the world, if possible forgive this mother of yours." She whispered as she looked down at her, her throat burned with pain making it difficult for her to swallow, her heart thudding in her chest. Tears after tears flowing down her cheeks as she cried, her heart thudding wildly in her chest as she looked down at the fall.

"Bhabhishree!" Dushala's scream had her turning around, still standing on the ledge she turned to them

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"Bhabhishree!" Dushala's scream had her turning around, still standing on the ledge she turned to them. Kunti and Dushala had expressions of shock and terror on their faces as they looked at her, "What are you doing?! Panchaali get down!" Shouted the princess of Hastinapur as she looked  over at her best friend and sister and law, her heart thudding in her chest with fear as she looked at her, "Putri get down!" Kunti nearly screamed in panic as she stepped ahead, "Don't come closer mata Or I will jump!" Panchaali warned threat ringing clear in her voice as she looked at Kunti, her words laced with honesty, Rajmata froze as she looked at her daughter in law, her heart was beating wildly in her chest as fear build in her chest making it impossible for her to think straight, her heart pumped harder as her mind threatened to give up.

"Don't do this!" Kunti begged, Panchaali's heart thudded, Arjun entered the room with a heavy heart, his heart as his eyes fell on his wife, "Panchaali!" The terror laced scream tore through his mouth as his heart nearly collapsed, he rushed in, "Stop right there arya!" Panchaali's warning laced words had him freezing, "Don't do this princess, lis..lis..listen to me!" His voice was thick with terror, no, damn it! He can't lose her, his vision blurred with tears, he couldn't breathe, his gaze was focused on her feet and the fall behind her. No not this! He can't take it! He can't lose her damn it! Not her! Not his wife!!! He mentally screamed, the thought of losing her driving him to the brink of madness, making it impossible for him to think rationally. The soul wrenching ache was enough to make him go crazy. Why was this happening to her? Why him? What had he ever done to deserve this?! Panchaali!

"Listen here princess, we'll do what ever you say. You want the baby, we'll have the baby but not this, don't do this. Please please I am begging you, please Panchaali don't make me a living dead!" The ache reverberated through his words, he was ready to break down he can't take anymore pain and agony, he can't imagine going on without her, the mere thought of living without her was torture, he was ready to do anything.

"No arya, no, since the moment I have entered your life it has been hell, I have messed everything up. Look at you, you're not happy. You're always stressed, always worried. I have been nothing but the reason for your tears, I can't see you like this, I love you. I wanted to be the reason for your happiness not your pain. I think it's better to end it here, without you it's impossible for me to go on. Andi can't take my child's life to save mine. No mother can Arya. I know that I got to know about our baby moments ago, but this is our child, how can I kill my own child, our child? And what would I do with the life of mine that I get for the exchange of my child's? What's the point of living without my baby?" She questioned him, her words thick with emotions as she looked up at her husband who had tears tracing down his cheeks. He looked devastated, her heart squeezed, she had done this to him, he was a happy smiling guy before they met but she did this to him. She made him this broken man, a new set of tears flooded her eyes as tears filled her eyes, her heart thumping with ache, how can she live after all this?

She looked back at him, "No love you have got it all wrong. There is no me without you. You are the reason for my very existence, my very reason to live. I can't imagine my life without you, there is no point in waking up every day if I don't have you in my arms, what would be the point of living if you are not there to walk with me through my life. What is the point? My morning begins by seeing your smiling face and ends with you in my arms, without you there is no meaning to anything, this kingdoms, ruling, family, they all mean to me something because you keep me alive, you're my heart that binds me to everyone, without you there would be no meaning to any one of this. I would be just a walking dead, a man who can breath but feel nothing. . . " His voice faded as he fell on his knees, and shattered down, crying his heart. "Arya.. " Panchaali's heart squeezed in pain, her eyes raining tears as they looked at him, what was she about to do? How could she be so stupid? How could she do this to him? "I am so sorry Arya. I was not thinking straight. " She whispered, her voice apologetic as she looked at him, tears tracing down her cheeks, how could she be so stupid? How could she give him so much pain? Guilt flooded her, she must have thought of a different way, she must have been better. She looked at him, he gazed at her, a smile on her face as he looked at her with love, a small appeared on his face as relief flooded him, he stood up and moved towards her.

The pressure of the air changed, Arjun's hand shot out wrapping around the two arrows that cut through the air, whistling, aiming for her womb. Deadly silence fell on the place as an unexpected third arrow pierced through her shoulder, Panchaali's scream of agony rang throughout the place, as hot burning, sizzling pain shot through her shoulder, shock and agony reverberating through her as her leg slipped making her fall back, she felt her self get air borne, tears blurring the face of a shocked and terrorized Arjun as he watched her fall down to her death. "Govind... " She whispered as she let the gravity do her job. . .




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