Chapter 46

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Panchaali greeted her teeth, her hand wrapped around Duspriya and shoved her with last of her strength.

A shocked gasp left Dushasan's wife, who stumbled back falling on the ground. The injuries and pain had her falling back.

Agony, unlike anything before burned through Panchaali, while she could feel the sharp blade of the dagger cut through her back.

White. Hot. Agony had her gasping in agony, the wound pulsed with pain making her eyes burn with ache, the pain was enough to have her crumpling on the ground.

Laughter in the room intensified, "all the bravery got drained woman?" Taunted Duryodhan, glaring at Panchaali, who was finding it difficult to focus.

"Oh brother, this women are just beings who spew nonsense." Dushasan stated, while he helped his wife up, who was smirking looking at Panchaali, a satisfied smile on her face while she watched Panchaali bleed heavily on the ground.

"Arya you have promised me that I will kill her." Whispered Duspriya, her words dripping with malice, "and you will dear." Dushasan stated, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Not so easily, I want to see fear in this eyes before I give her death when she begs for it!" Duryodhan growled, the fact that he couldn't best this woman burning him from within.

A laughter filled the room, while the four focused on Panchaali, who lay on the ground bleeding heavily.

"Me and beg you?" She laughed harder, as though the mere thought was bizarre for her to even think. She glared at him, her eyes burning with wrath.

"Men like you can only win by back stabbing, hiding behind a woman to kill another. Shame on you!" She growled the words, her body was in immense agony but her eyes held the valor that had the four growling with fury.

"You're on the verge of death, yet so much ego!" Shouted Duspriya, fury pulling through her veins while she took the sword from Dushasan and marched up to Panchaali, her sword raising high above her head while she shouted, bringing down the sword with full force.

The air whistled while the sword cut through the air, the sickening slashing sound filled the room, while the gurgling of pain filled the room, the blood bubbled up to the mouth while the sword cut up vertically through the throat.

A stunned silence filled the room, while the bleeding edge of the sword peaked through Duspriya's throat, blood oozing down the neck like a river while the bleeding sword glinted through her neck.

"Arjun! " Shakuni's shocked voice filled the still air of the room, while he watched with dread as Arjun stood up, his hazel eyes darkening with anger, he was breathing heavily, his eyes we're dark pools of storm that were ready to destroy everything, a manacle look marred his face, while the sheer look of agony that marred his face was unlike anything seen before.

The temperature in the room seemed to have dropped sharply, while their heart iced up.

The blood that was once pumping with life now seemed to have frozen, as the three men watched Arjun gaze at his bleeding wife, the manacle look just intensifying.

His face darkened with wrath, as he growled in an almost inhumane voice, "You dare hurt my wife." Arjun's words sent a chill running down everyone's spine, while they all stepped back.

Fury stormed through Arjun, destroying every last piece of hesitance  that he felt in this moment, all the sense of care and love fled while he gazed at the thick scarlet liquid that  dripped from his wife's back.

Fury, hot and red bubbled through him, burning the very last of his patience, this people dared harm his wife, his child. The wrath that stomped through him was unlike anything before, he growled glaring at them.

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