Chapter 47

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The loud roars of battle cry filled the hallway, as the soldiers ran towards him, their feet hitting the ground, with fury marring their faces.

Any logical person would have ran, more than a hundred well trained soldiers against him, with all sorts of weapons. Not only was Arjun single handed with just one sword, he had to make sure that Panchaali didn't get hurt.

Chances of Arjun winning this single men war, logically was impossible.

But what was there that a man wouldn't do to save his family, his love.

His hand tightened on the sword, his face held no emotions, while his eyes gazed at the men around him.

"Run and save your lives before it's too late." His words rang with a death command, giving them a chance to escape the cruel fate of life.

The men around him laughed, like he had cracked the biggest joke of their life. "You think, single handedly you can defeat so many of us?" The man tauted, his voice mocking Dhananjay.

Arjun let his heart grow cold, the merciless slayer in him awakening, stretching to its limit, ready to slay every last of the men standing here.

His eyes scanned the soldiers, the usual hazel orbs that were filled with love and kindness, were now dark with rage making them look almost black.

He rotated the sword in his hand expertly, his eyes scanning through the faces of the men as the years of training kicked in.

The temperature in the hallway had dropped sharply, like death had spread its dark cloak on everyone ready to embrace them all in its arms.

The air around them was heavy with tension, the nature seemed to understand the blood bath that was about to happen as dark clouds covered the sun, extinguishing every hope of survival.

A darkness fell heavily on the entire kingdom, as thunder filled the sky. Strong gust of winds blew around them, signaling the storm that was about to come soon.

The lanterns in the hallways extinguished making Arjun smirk.

The hallway darkened seeming to match the inevitable dark future of every men standing here in the hallway.

Death. Kill. Death. Kill . Destroy everything.

Was the only thing going through his mind, animals ran around, their panicked sounds filling the silence of the air. Creating a haunted melody. A song of death.

Everything seemed to have happened in slow motion, as the soldiers ran towards Arjun, with every intent to kill him.

Their fury skyrocketing, as they ran, their loud synchronised battle cry almost made the walls tremble.

Arjun breathed in deeply, a smirk appearing on his face, his eyes glinting with determination as he gazed at everyone, challenging them. Death was something he never feared.

Adrenaline pumped through him, while he watched three men jump in the air, their swords raised high.

Aiming for Arjun's heart.

Faster than anyone could blink, Arjun ran, his feet meeting on the wall at the side and pushed himself for momentum. His sword raising high as he brought it down with complete force, shredding through the chests of the three men consecutively.

His loud roar of anger struck the hearts of his enemies making them tremble where they stood.

"No matter the number of hyenas they can never kill a lion!" Roared Dhananjay, his furious words hung through the air, terror sizzling through the air.

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