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Glastonbury 2014

*Radio Buzzes on her shoulder* *GO FOR MAC* Silence*GO FOR MAC* Silence continues as Mac carries a bucket of ice cold beers to Lana Del Ray's trailer *GO FOR MACKENZIE*

Mac puts the bucket down on the table outside the trailer and bangs on the door, she then grabs her radio which is clipped on to the collar of shirt *Yeah yeah I am here, what's up?*

*Can you come to the unsigned tent? Theres a problem with your boy*

My Boy? Mackenzie racks her brain to think what the fuck Carlie was talking about, she gets in one of the golf buggys which is parked next to the trailer *My boy? Yeah I'm on my way 2 minutes* Hooking the radio back on her collar and drives off.

Then she realises she must be talking about one of the unsigned artist she picked for the unsigned tent, she swerves between people and trailers, reaching the unsigned tent she gets out of the buggy to see a mass of tattoo boys hanging out backstage, thinking to herself this is going to happen on her stage. Moving through the crowd of lads, she sees a taller one standing the corner getting head from a groupie.

"What's up Carlie?" Mac asks playing with her diamond rings, her long acrylic nails tap off the rings.

Carlie just gesture towards the crowd of men

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Carlie just gesture towards the crowd of men. "Ok girl, can you go to the mainstage and make sure Lana gets on stage, There is a bucket of beers outside her trailer she is not too have any more than what is that bucket till she get off stage" Carlie nods at the stage manager and walks towards the stage. Mac tucks the keys in her back pocket, adjusting her lip bar she stands on a crate. "LISTEN UP FUCK WITS, UNLESS YOUR NAME IS LIL PEEP OR JGRXXN THEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BACKSTAGE" No one moves "ALRIGHT, I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT NOW OR YOU GET KICKED OUT THE FESTIVAL YOUR CHOICE" The crowds finally move out of the backstage area, just left is the groupie on her knees. She walks over to the girl on her knees and grabs the collar of top dragging her off Peep, his dick is standing proud but he tucks it into his boxers "Hunny we are in public and look no pass" Mac continues to drag this girl off while radioing for security, they turn up swiftly and take her away.

"Yo dudeee, do you hate having a good time?" Peep smirks at Mac he is high as a kite. He does his jeans back up. He looks her up and down, starting to bite his lip as he likes what he sees. She's standing there all 5"4 with her arms crossed and a pissed off look on her face. Just how he likes them pissed at him, she stands there in cherry red doc boots and black denim short shorts, she has on a navy blue tee which has a teddy bear holding CNT balloons and the text next to it says all I'm missing is U and is tied in a knot at the front. He giggles at the tshirt, it is something he would wear, thinking to himself this will look good on my bedroom floor . He licks his lips and rubs his hands together as he digs her more and more, the top is showing off some heavy tats on her stomach, legs, arms, hands and neck. She also have a matching love heart tattoo under her eye like him. He reluctantly gave in to her and let her push him on stage, he is secretly loving this.

"You have to go on stage, I need you to kill it out there. I pulled a lot of strings to get you here" She cleans him up and pushes him on stage literally. JGRXXN stands behind her chuckling. She spins around "What?"

"We could do with you on tour, J" He extends his hand out to Mac.

"Mackenzie but everyone calls me Mac or MK" She shakes his hand "You're part of Schemaposse right?"

"Yeah the founder" He nods at her pulling a cigarette out of the packet offering her one, she takes it. They sit on the crates by the stage and smoke together. "Have you seen a show?"

"Yeah I came out to watch Peep perform before I asked him to perform today. My Brother actually phoned me likes 3 months ago and told me I had to get him on stage or I'd regret it for the rest of my career" J Looks at her not following what she said "Talent manager, I have the final say on who gets to perform, I came out to Denver" she scratches her arm which brings attention to a bruise on the back of her arm, J goes to say something but she shakes her head. He decides it is not his place to says anything right now.

"Oh sweet, well let me know next time you're in The states and you can come to a show" J Hands her a piece of paper with his number on.

"Well I actually live out in LA, I just work here during festival season. I am producer as well" Mac's radio buzzed *GO FOR MAC* she shrugs at J, she pressed the button her radio *Yeah I'm here* Silence * You're needed at Pyramid Stage* she nods *On my way* "Sorry my day doesn't really stop but I'll drop you a message when I'm back home hun"

She get backs in the golf car and waves at J, driving off she can't helping thinking how cute Peep is but that'll never happen anyway. Getting to the stage Lana doesn't like the beer and want is change. Mac spends half an hour changing the beers to ciders, by the time she done the change Lana is about to go on stage and does not want them anymore. Every year these stars get more and more demanding, maybe this will be her last year in the festival business. Checking the time on her watch, she can still catch a couple songs from Peep. Getting back to the unsign stage, Peep is already off stage. She sits on one of his storage boxes and sparks up a zoot. She sits there making Os with her smoke when her thoughts are interrupted by the box moving. She looks over to her right and there is Peep smiling her. The smile could make you do anything and it probably will. He watches her plump lips take another drag on the spot, completely and utterly hypnotised as the smoke escapes her mouth in a thick cloud covering her mouth and nose. She smiles under it all. He is completely obsessed with this girl now and forever. 

"Are you smoking with a 100?" He asks confused, She offers him the zoot and he takes it willingly.

"No *she laughs* it's just a rolling paper my friend got them as a joke *he mouths OH as the smoke pours out* "Mac" She introduces herself, he hands the zoot back to her as she's leaning back on the higher stacked boxes, he watches her breathing, her chest going up and down as she takes a longer drag.


"Hi Gus, nice to meet you. I heard you were great up there"

He just laughs at her "I always kill it, I remember you from Denver. You came to the show right? and then made me come here" He laughs again.

"Yeah I did. Good memory. Well I have to go, festival to run and all" She gets up off the box and starts walking off with her zoot in mouth.

"Wait" Gus grabs her arm and spins her around "Can I see you again before I go back to LA?"

"Yeah sure there's a party tonight at the pyramid stage. Just you and J though and check your pocket" she winks at him, licking her lips and walks off.

The sun is starting to set, creating this halo of light around making her look like an angel. His angel.

He puts his hand in his back pocket and pulls out a note

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He puts his hand in his back pocket and pulls out a note. It is her number, It's a US number.

I'll see you back in LA

Mac x

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now