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The ride back to her apartment was cool and quiet, Mac just enjoyed the cool LA air she was only going to be her for a month before she's back in the UK to work Reading festival. She has made the decision to make this festival the last one. There's more reasons to stay in LA than keep travelling, she a few ideas for new songs which she is thinking about giving to Gus. He keeps looking over at as she takes in the LA air, he is so obsessed with her already and he loves it. 

"It's on the left here sweetie" she points to the turning coming up.  He swings the car in and she can see her G-Wagon sitting proud in the car park. Blacked out with just the shiny Merc logo.

Gus helps her with the bags out the boot "Do you want me to come up?"

"I would love you to boo but I haven't showered since Thursday and I need some sleep but I'll text you tonight? We can chill then?" She pulls him in for hug clearly disappointed that he couldn't come up to the flat.

He pouts "Fine but I can't chill tonight I got a friends party, how about we grab lunch tomorrow?"  She rests her hands on his hips and he rest his arms on her shoulders. His head pointed down at hers.

She grins and nods at him "Sounds perfect and I won't smell like a festival" they both laugh, he picks her up by the waist and kisses her "But could you help me carry my bags up please?" She gives him puppy dog eyes. How could he say no to her? He nods and picks up the heaviest bag.  They walk hand in hand to her apartment, opening the door there is a pile of mail on the counter for her. Her friends are still at work.  "You can just pop those in the corner hunny"

He pulls in her for a cuddle, she rests her head on his chest, while he kisses her head. "I'm gonna shoot boo. Text me when you've napped nd shit. Bye baby girl" he lifts her chin up with two fingers and kisses her. Then leaves through the front door.

MackieRichRich  I seriously have the best job ever

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MackieRichRich I seriously have the best job ever. Thank you #glastonbury.
Lanadelray girl you ran that festival! #bossbitch
Mickypickles that's my baby sister running glasto!
Lilpeep first festival ever played and it was the biggest😱😱 I guess the staff were pretty good to boo😏😏

3 hours later Mac has done her laundry, showered, done a face mask and napped. She is just chilling in bed scrolling through insta when she hears the front door turning. She runs out in just t shirt and sees her best friends Shayna and Malika. They run up and they all fall on the floor in one big hug.

"MY BABY IS HOME. WE MISSED YOU" Malika shouts right in Mac's ear. They both start kissing the side of her face. Eventually they let her get up and they sit on the couch chatting about the weekend.

" You boobs, I was only gone a week. But I did miss you guys too"

" Sooo are you gonna tell us about peep??" Shay nudges her.

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now