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Weeks seem to pass by in blur with how much work they were producing as a group, Mac has been unofficially brought into the group to get a fresh look on things she is still doing her events work as but she is mainly doing the planning and only running important high profile cases. Thanksgiving was amazing meeting Gus's family, she has fallen in love with him even more. His family love her and are constantly asking about her. As they were getting nearer to Christmas and Mac's birthday her family come into town for a charity event her Dad is running, She is excited for Gus to meet her family but especially her dad she knows his approval means a lot to him. He looks up to Keith, the fact he loves his music is such an honour. Before her parents arrival Gus went out and bought a shirt, like a real shirt to wear to fancy events for when they go to the charity auction. As she gets ready for an early birthday dinner looking in the mirror Gus is taking photos of her from the bed, she starts striking poses in the mirror making him laugh, she gets her phone out and does the same.

"What chu doing babyboy?" She asks him

"Looking at the most beautiful woman ever" She leans down and kisses him, he sees that she is recording them. "What are you doing boo?"

"I'm filming you for when you're big and famous you can look back these" He pulls her down on the bed, the lay next each other he leans over and kisses her.

"You mean when WE are big and famous. I couldn't do any of this without you babygirl. I love you" He lays on top of her and kisses her all over she giggles as his stubble tickles her face.

"I love you too handsome" She wraps her arms his neck, cuddling her big baby. There's a knock at the door, she shoots up of bed "They are here baby" Letting her parents in Gus stands nervously in the kitchen, what if they don't like him? or what if they think he isn't good for her? Oh god he starts sweating and biting his nails. Mac comes in the room still filming "Dad this is Gus"

Gus holds his hand out for him to shake but Keith pulls him for a hug instead, his nerves are instantly calmed. " Hi I'm Gus, it's such a pleasure to meet you finally" Knowing it has gone well Mac puts her phone away.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Gus, Mac has told a lot about you and the adventures you two get up" Gus takes a hard swallow hopefully not everything, hopefully not the times when Gus bends his daughter over fucks her like a pornstar or the time he sniffed coke off her bare ass while she was in doggy. That is something a Father shouldn'tknow about his daughter. Keith puts his arm around Mac and squeeze her, Mat walks and the pair run up to each other like they were in the relationship.

"Brother" The call each other. Keith just laughs. "Is your Mom not coming?" Gus asks putting his arm around Mat.

"Nah She had commitments at home but at least you got to meet the big fella himself"Gus laughs still nervous. Mac takes his hand to calm him down, it works. "Have you ordered food?"

"Yeah actually need to go pick it up, they wouldn't deliver here" She laughs picking her keys. "Are you coming Mat?" He nods leaving His dad with Gus. "Dad be nice to him, I love him and want to keep him around" She winks at Gus before giving him a kiss and leaving.

"I'll be good I promise" he shouts back at her she leaves the loft. Gus takes Keith around the loft showing him everything, he still extremely nervous this is the biggest legend in rock n roll.


Dude hurry up, your dad terrifies me


Bro calm down, he just a person. Remember Mac loves you and Dad loves you too. Just talk about music or Mac but don't talk about the drugs or sex with my sister

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now