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It moving weekend! The pair found a lovely 2 bed in Echo Park. They couldn't happier, well Mac could be after Gus informed her that GBC got a house literally 3 doors down. She thought the two were finally going to some alone time together but no the boys managed to convince Peep this was a good idea. She will have to put up with it because she loves Gus. The loft is all packed up and they are ready to move, they are having one last night in the Loft. A big party to say goodbye to their old home. Mac helps Gus pack his last few things from his room. 

"Baby are you ever going to talk to Tracy again?" He asks her. She just shrugs at him.  She walks into the kitchen avoiding the question because she didn't know how to answer it. She is not sure if she can ever move past what he did to Malika, or how he treated her.  She fills up super soakers, water balloons and small buckets of water. 

"PARASITES GET OUT HERE" She shouts from the empty space. She watches as the boys walk into the kitchen looking around confused at what is going on. "Ok so as everyone knows this out last night our loft" She walks up and down the line of guys like a drill sergeant, They nod at her  "This a tradition Malika, Shayna and I did in all our old apartments" Shayna walks out from the balcony "It is the final showdown in the loft. You all have a super soakers each, there are water balloons in the kitchen and buckets of water. Peeps bedroom is out of bounds because all of shit is still in there. But this will last an hour, the last man standing wins and losers buy dinner.  You have 5 minutes to get prepared and then it is every man for themselves" She sees Tracy walk into his room, she sighs "TRACY" She waits for him to walk into the kitchen. "Where you going? You're apart of the family, so you are apart of the final showdown" He smiles at them. She grabs Shays hand and squeezes it. Turning to her and mouthing It's ok "Ok only rule is that the Peep and Tracy room is out of bounds. EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES" She shouts at them, The girls wink at the boys running into the kitchen grabbing their super soakers and run away. The boys start to panic and grab whatever they can get.

 Mac throws a water balloon at Peeps back. He turns around smirking at her shooting her with the water gun "You're gonna get it baby" He throws a balloon at her making her shirt see through and her nipple bars are completely visible. 

She runs off to where she knows Tracy is hiding throwing a water balloon at him as she runs past. She hides out on the terrace. The Girls run around soaking wet  laughing as they throw balloons at everyone. Mac hears Shay shouting for her from the terrace. She slowly walks out and Bradan tips a massive bucket of water on her from the doorway. She goes to scream but when she looks up she sees Gus on one knee. She's in shock, was not expecting this. Everyone is standing behind him grinning at them. 

"Mackenzie Richards, You're the love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend and my queen.  We have spent nearly everyday together for a year and I want to spend every day for the rest of my life with you. Even in our worst moments I love you more than anything. I could be having the worst day of my life and just seeing your smile even for a split second will make everything feel better. You're the most amazing person I have ever met, you amaze me every single day. I love you with all my heart and some more. I got your Dad's permission all those months ago. Will you do me the massive honour of marrying me?" Tears have formed in both their eyes. 

She nods her head, holding out her hand " Oh my god, Yes a 100 time yes baby" He slips the ring on her finger, getting up off his knee he pulls in for a hug kissing her. "I love you so much" she cries happy tears.

"I love you too baby" they kiss. 

"SO WHO WON?!" Dylan shouts from behind them ruining the moment. 

She looks down at her shirt, seeing her boobs through it "Well you can see my boobs through my shirt. So I win" She laughs not breaking eye contact with her new ring. 

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