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"Baby. I'm going to meet Pickles for our interviews" she sits on his lap kissing him in front of Bexey and Ryan. "You gonna be ok?"

"Yeah have a good interview boo, we will be watching" he kisses her "when you get back we will celebrate your birthday" he winks at her before kissing her again.

"Bye baby" she kisses him one last time "bye my darlings" she clicks her nails together as she leaves the Bexey's flat. Her brother is waiting downstairs for her in the car to go off to Kerrang HQ.

"Dude you bit the bullet and got your neck done?" Matt examines her new tat.

"Dude I've had a face tat since I was 18. This is not a big deal. Well kinda a big deal cause it's peeps new song and matches his"

"I love it man"

They reach the office, they are guided into one of the studios as they are filming for the YouTube channel.

The interview

"Hey I'm MacDaddy" she throws a peace sign and smiles

"And I'm Matt Nichols" he waves at the camera!

"Someone of you may not know that we are actually brother and sister. Just for info and context. You're watching Kerrang online! Welcome to battle of the siblings! " she informs the camera, they are going to be playing a sibling game. They will be asked the same question and on a whiteboard they write who the question relates more too. If they both agree on a name that one has to answer the question. If neither can agree then they both have to answer.

Question 1. Who has more tattoos?

Macs whiteboard 'Matt'

Matt's whiteboard 'MEEEE'

"Yeah that would be me, had a like a 9 year head start on this one but she did get her first tattoo at a younger age than me though" they both laugh.

" I was 14 and got my lip tattoo with the Rolling Stones logo. *Pulling her bottom lip down to show off the faded tattoo*Thinking my dad wouldn't be mad if I got something for him. I was actually right, he was pretty sound. Its fallen out loads and it was fucking painful so I will not be getting it redo any time soon" she grins at the camera, they both laugh.

Question 2 who was a more troublesome kid?

Matt's whiteboard 'MAC!!!'

Mac's whiteboard "MOIII"

"Yeah it was 100% me. I kind did whatever the fuck I wanted" she laughs "I did my school work and got good grades so I thought I had a free pass in life and I kinda just did whatever I wanted and I mean like whatever. I mean I also had a free pass cause I lived in the states and they lived in England. But yeah I defo was more dickhead" they both laugh.

Question 3 who 5 years ago would of been more likely to settle down first?

Mac's whiteboard "Mathew!"

Matt whiteboard "meeee"

"But we are both engaged now so this doesn't count" Matt laughs. " I think you nd Peep will be engaged until you're like 30 then get married" Mac just nods

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