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Peep and Mac spend her birthday eating and drinking their way through London.  Mat and his girlfriend Chloe join them, then Bexey and Ryan. Later in the evening the rest of the boys from the band join them along with some of Mac's other friends. They sit in a bar in Camden drinking their way through the evening, Peep sits back watching the love of his life socialise thinking about what he did in life to get so lucky by her falling in love with him. Old habits begin to kick in, Mac starts going to the bathroom more than she needs to, she starts slipping Peep things under the table. The bar finally kicks them out and everyone heads back to Pickles flat for afters. Mac is excited to give Peep an experience of a proper British afters.

MackieRichRich A week in England and I've turned him British

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MackieRichRich A week in England and I've turned him British

Tagged LilPeep


Waking up hungover in a hotel room with Peep seems to be their way of life now. She can hear her phone ringing again, picking it up off the bedside table she squints her eyes to see the bright screen. It's Sarah again.

"Peeeeeep" she groans into her pillow.

"Whattttt" he groans next to her.

"You didn't tell Sarah you're not interested" she kicks his leg, turning to face him. "Baby please tell her. I can't ignore Travis forever. We are friends. I don't like lying baby" she cuddles up to him. He plays with her hair as the pair try to get back to sleep.

"I'll do it I promise babygirl. I promise" he plays with her hair. They try to get back to sleep but it's not working. They both awake now. "What time is it?" He kisses the top of her head. She stretches over him grabbing his phone off the side table.

"It's 12:30 baby. I spoke to Pickles last night. He's excited for Christmas baby. He can't wait to meet your Mom boo" she nuzzles into his chest he pulls her in closer.

"Yeah I spoke to Mom she is super excited as well. Is it cool if my grandparents come as well?"

"Yeah I already told them they would be. Since we are awake you want to go get lunch baby?"

"Yeah let's do that and get like some cocktails to wake us up" she giggles getting out of bed. It takes some time but she is finally getting ready to go out for the day. Mac stands at the door in a pair of sweats, a Calvin Klein bra and a denim jacket with her oversize sunnies on sipping on a can of Coke.

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