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A year has passed, the pair have been living life to fullest travelling, touring, fucking in weird places and enjoying their marriage. They've started the move to London, A house sorted in camden near Bexey, recording sessions booked, a new album in the works. Come Over When You're Sober has been a fucking success, everyone loves it, the current tour is just for him. His first solo tour, GBC have come along much to Mac's disappointment but it is still his solo tour and it is a sell out. The pair are so excited for the next chapter in life, Mac is so excited for their move to london, she has been making so many plans, Mat has made Peep his best man in his upcoming winter wedding this year. They are starting feel like a proper married couple now, Peep always thought marriage would change him and make him boring. But it is just doing everything you love with your best friend forever. 

Peep pours tequila downs Mac's throat like he did on the first day they met, like that first day she has got a little bag of fun in her back pocket. She takes a bump off her pinky finger before handing the bag to him. As she turns around to speak to Bexey Peep sprinkles molly in her drink before taking her straw out making her down her drink. She complies, then pulls a face looking up Gus he just giggles at her before downing his own drink. They spend the night dancing and drinking. Peep comes running up Mac in the middle of the dance floor sticking his tongue for a kiss but she puts an acid tab on it instead. She just giggles at him before doing the same. The rest of the night is just a blackout blur, all Mac can remember is dancing the night away with her love and friends.  


They wakeup in a daze on the back of the bus, Mac bolts up in bed very confused on the night before, she slaps Gus on the chest waking him up. 

"Where the fuck are we?" She looks at him with her eyes still closed lips pout he can't resist kissing her. 

"Urm I think Tucson" 

"Oh ok" she relaxes back into bed cuddling him, then shooting up again "Fuck what time is it?!" 

He checks his phone "Urm 1:30"

"SHIT" she bolts out of bed, throwing on sweatpants "Fuck fuck fuck, I'm meeting Mat and Chloe in fucking 15 minutes, must of slept through the alarms"

"Oh that was what the noise was" He grabs a zoot from the side and sparks up.

"Baby can you order me an uber?" he nods at her handing the zoot, she takes a drag before She grabs one of his t shirts, tying it in a knot at the front, throwing her hair up in a ponytail. She sits in bed putting some makeup."I am going to be so fucking late" Satisfied with what she has done, she quickly kisses him "I love you baby. I'll be back soon" 

"I love you too gorgeous" She runs out of the tour bus then quickly runs back forgetting her bag. She kisses him again before leaving for real this time. "I LOVE YOU MRS AHR" he shouts down the bus as she leaves, Mac just smiles, she turns around.

"I LOVE YOU TOO MR AHR" Her uber is waiting for by the side of bus. Reaching the cafe she can see Mat and Chloe waiting for her. He spots her out the window, tapping on his watch. She runs in. "Oh my god I'm sorry I'm late. Slept through every alarm" Mat Just laughs at her. "So how is wedding planning going?" She digs into her food. 

"Stressful as fuck. Might just do what you did" Chloe laughs. 

"Mate I 100% recommend it. No stress. Perfect" They laugh as they eat their food.  "Chloe how do you help reduce stress Mat when he is tour? Nothing sexual please. Peep is really stressed and burnt out, just don't know what to do" 

"Urm" Chloe finishes her food "I make sure that even when I'm not with him we have date night at least once a week. If we are on tour together then date night for sure and at least one other night of just us two. I enjoy myself but more like keep an eye on him" Mat gets up to go to the toilet. "He won't tell you this but he used to be as bad as Peep, I've had to deal with a couple ODs. He would never go to rehab so I did what I could, I got myself kinda clean, clean enough to help him through it. Making sure he never go too bad and if he did I was there to clean it up. It what you do when you're in love" She shrugs her shoulders as Mat comes back to the table and they kiss. 

'Thank you' Mac mouths to Chloe. Her phone buzzes, she opens it up, it is a video of Peep dropping xanax in his mouth she rolls her eyes. "You guys are coming to the show tonight right?" 

"Yeah dude, so excited! We are not going to Charli's till tomorrow anyway. You not coming?"  Mat asks her

"I can't, Last day of tour tomorrow, we are telling GBC Gus is leaving. I'm guessing it is going to get messy" She scratches her head. "Gus is really nervous about telling them. They don't even know we've got the move sorted" Gus is way more than nervous to tell them, he is kinda scared of what their reaction will be, he knows Dylan will be supportive and so will Coldhart but the rest is anyone guess. They are going to be angry at him for leaving but they must know this is the best for his career, he is currently the main selling point for GBC shows. 

"That is gonna be difficult I don't envy you at all sister" They all laugh, head into town do some shopping before the show. Peep keeps posting videos of him popping xanax, she worried he is going to far. "Right we are going to head back to the hotel before the show. I'll text you later" He hugs her, then Chloe hugs her. 

"Bye guys" She blows kisses at them, she is not far from the tour bus so she decides to walk instead of getting an uber.

MacDaddy 🦄

I love you baby. Soulmate Peepkin ❤️

Peepkin 🎃

I love you too soulmate ❤️ Are you on your way back? I miss your squishy face


Yeah baby I'm like 15 minutes away. Got you some food ❤️

Even though they are in the middle of November, it is still a lovely evening out also she totally forgot to bring a jacket with her. She is trying convince herself that is warm not cold as she shivers down the road to the tour bus. She can hear sirens going, then an ambulance goes speeding past. She gets this weird feeling in her stomach. 


Baby has something happened? Just seen an ambulance heading towards the venue ❤️❤️

She gets no response from him. That's strange, another ambulance goes speeding past in the same direction as the tour bus. Her heart drops thinking something has happened on the bus. As she gets closer to the bus she sees the lights lighting up the cold November night. She starts picking up the pace, she finds herself running towards the bus. She has this gut wrenching feeling that something has happened to Gus, after all the videos she is worried he has gone too far. She reaches the bus, Bexey is outside in a state of shock, Chase comes running out staring at her like he has been crying. She can't see Peep coming out, She tries to get on the bus but the police stop her, trying to looking around them to see Gus but she can't see anyone else coming out. She can see a body lying on the floor. Her heart breaks, her stomach drops, tears stream down her face thinking something has happened to Gus. She sees someone walking towards her holding Gus's chain. Oh God , her heart breaks into a thousand pieces. 

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