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There is only 3 days left in Peeps birthweek he thinks all his surprises are over but Mac has one left for him , he'll never expect it. She tells Peep she is popping out to get some food for the loft but in reality she is really driving to the airport to pick up Peeps mom for his final surprise. She knows he how much he has been missing her the last few days and what he would do to see her again before thanksgiving. She's got a sign with Liza'a name on it, not knowing whether Peep has shown his mom a picture of Mac. She stands in the arrivals holding her sign waiting for Liza to arrive, her flight arrived 10 minutes go, Mac starts to feel nervous all of sudden. This plan was a good idea 2 months ago when this was way in the future. She sees Liza arrive, oh god she is really nervous now, what if she doesn't like her or think she not good enough for her soon. Oh no bad idea really bad idea. She feels like drugs are sweating out of her skin from the week of partying hard for his birthday. His mom is gonna know what they do. Oh no she is doubting herself now.

"Mackenzie?" Liza asks with a smile on her face, she can see were he gets it from.

"Yes, Hi" Liza pulls her in for a hug. " You can call me Mac everyone does. I'm parked just around here. Did you have a safe flight?" Mac is literally shaking with nerves.

"Don't be nervous Mac. Gus has told me all about you. You sound amazing" Liza get sense her son's love nerves. "Yes it was good flight thank you, peaceful"

Mac lifts up Liza suitcase into the back of her car. "So you have an option on where to stay while you here. My apartment is available I'm never there anyway *she giggles to herself* or you can stay the loft *Liza's wrinkles her nose* yeah I can see why you wouldn't want to" they both laugh.

"Your apartment sounds lovely. Do you have roommates?" She asks her.

"Yeah I live with my best friends Shayna and Malika they are sisters. Malika is dating Tracy and Shayna is dating J so that's apartment is practically empty the whole time" Mac pulls into her apartment building so they can drop the bags off, she shows Liza her room handing the door key and the front door fob. "So this everything if you need anything just call me. I'll be at Gus's, they girls shouldn't be back this weekend but they are harmless anyway" they laugh again heading over to the loft. " Are you excited to see him? I know he's been missing you loads"

"Yeah I really am, he has been sending me tracks the works he's been doing since her met you is incredible. He's been a happier person since you've been together. Thank you" she puts her hand on top of Mac's as they pull into her space.

"Thank you so much that means a lot hearing you say that, thank you for raising such a amazing Son" she wipes away a happy tear.

Accept | Decline

"Oh one sec Gus is calling" Mac puts her finger over mouth as she answers the call. "Hey baby. You ok?" Trying to sound as normal as possible.

"When are you coming home I miss that squishy face of yours?" She blushes, Liza smiles at the sound of her sons voice.

"Baby I just pulled up at the loft. I'll be in literally 2 minutes"

"Ok I love you"

She tells him she loves him too and hangs up the phone, grabbing her backpack from the backseat they get out the car and head up to the loft. She opens the door and tells Liza to wait in the hall.

"BABY WHERE ARE YOU?" She hears him shout in the kitchen. "OK STAY THERE. IM COMING FOR YOU BABY" she hears him laugh to himself. She lets Liza into the flat bringing her to the kitchen. "Boo I got one last surprise for you. We can't Return this one" she enters the kitchen he looks at her confused.

"Boo I thought you were getting groc-" Liza enters the kitchen "MAMA" he comes running up to her, bringing Liza into a massive bear hug. "Baby you brought my Mama to LA?" He pulls Mac in for a kiss and cuddle.

"Yeah I know you miss her and I thought it was a good time to bring her out" He kisses her. Grabbing his Moms hand he drags around the loft showing her everything. He shows the gifts Max got him for his birthday, she notices the tray is sticking out the end of the bed she discretely pushes it back under the bed before his Mom notices. It one think for a parent to know but it's heartbreaking to see. "Do you guys want to get some dinner? I'm sure you're hungry after that flight Liza" she smiles at them.

"Yes, that would be lovely thank you Mackenzie"

"Mom you can call her Mac she doesn't mind" Gus nudges his Mom. " I'm going to put on a clean t shirt" he walks back his room.

"Ooo someone's getting fancy" she follows him into the bedroom stretching up wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she gently kisses his neck "I love your Mom baby. She is amazing"

He turns around to meet her face holding her by her waist "She loves you too baby. I'm so happy you brought her. This has honestly been the best birthday ever. I'm so lucky to have met you" he leans down and kisses.

"Come on let's not make your Mom wait too long" they walk back into the kitchen holding hands. " We were thinking Italian food tonight if you would like that?" Liza nods at them. The group head off to a local Italian place. Gus sits next to Mac opposite his Mom. "Have you been to any of Gus's shows?" Mac asks while they wait for the food.

"I went the one that he did in New York. I am very proud of him" she nudges his foot under the table. "How did you two meet?"

Peeps holds macs hand under the table " I was the talent manage for Glastonbury festival and my brother noticed Gus's music on soundcloud told me that I needed to book him or it would be the biggest mistake of my life. So I went to a show in LA, I had a couple of artists to see. When I saw him perform I knew no one could top that but I still went to the other shows. Got on the next flight to Denver. Saw him perform there and practically forced him to sign the contract for glasto" they all laugh "Him and his friends were dicking around at the festival. I had to remove them all apart from him and he kinda been glued to me ever since"

" I saw her looking all cute and pissed at me, I knew she was gonna be mine" they all laugh. " we've barely been apart since, she's even started producing music for me. You know the song I sent you last week Mama?" She nods "Mac wrote that and produced the music for it"

"Oh wow. I love that song" the group chats over dinner getting to know each more and more. Mac pulls into the apartment building parking lot. Gus takes him Mom up to the flat to say good night. "Baby you picked a good one. I can tell from the way she looks at you. She loves you with all her heart and would do anything for you. I see you look at the same way. Be good to her Peep" she kisses his cheek "I love her and I love you"

Gus head backs down to that car where Mac is waiting for him, seeing him through the window she smiles at him Gus's heart flutters as he looks at his beautiful girlfriend. Getting in the car he grabs her hand and kisses it, they head home for the night. Laying in bed together smoking a zoot before they go to sleep , he pulls her in for a cuddle and whispers "My Mom loves you and so do I. My soulmate" he kisses her head Mac just smiles cuddling up closer to him falling asleep.

A/N little bit of a filler chapter sorry. Hope you guys are enjoying it!!

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