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In the coming weeks Peep did his best to show Mac that is was truly was a mistake and he does love her with all his heart. She did her best to move past what has happened, but it was difficult when the image of Layla on her knees is engraved in her brain. Gus's 19th birthday is coming up, her and Dylan go out to get some gifts and food. They sit in a burger place chatting away before they go shopping.

"Can I ask you something?" Mac just nods as she munches down on french fries "Why did you forgive Peep?"

She was not expecting that question "You know when you have argument with someone and all you want to do is call your best friend to vent?" He nods as he eats his burger "I was in my car on that overview of the city crying my eyes out thinking about what had just happened and I all I wanted to do is ring my best friend. As unlocked my phone to do that I realised he is my best friend. People make mistakes, my Dad has made mistakes in the past and my Mum has forgiven him and they've been happily married for 32 years now. He deserve one more chance" she shrugs her shoulders trying to not cry.

"We are all glad you did. We've never seen Peep cry before and we've seen him cry a lot over those two days. He loves you more than anything. He was truly broken when you left"

"Thanks Dylan" she smiles at him, the go off to try and find presents for Peep. She has planned a big surprise party for him again, she is hoping that he won't be expecting another one this year. It'll be first one without Malika, She has got him a limited edition bottle of Hennessy and a cool bright orange denim jacket, she also got another trapper hat for him since he loves the first one so much!  "When is your tour starting?" She ask him as they get back into the car.

"It was supposed to be in like two weeks but we kinda forgot to do anything about it" he laughs "so it's gonna be like April/May time. Are you coming on tour?" He looks at her from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah I am. I'm excited for tour. Apart from that one thing. It was a great tour last time. Someone gotta keep an eye on Peep" they laugh, her phone starts ringing through the car.

T Milion🤑
Accept | Decline

"Hey man, what's up?" She asks, not having spoken to Travis is a while.

"I'm good dude. I need to ask a favour"

"Oh god go on"

"I showed my manager Peeps videos and they want want to meet him. Can you get him to London for a meeting?" He asks hopeful.

She rolls her eyes, "I don't know man. Peep is very much anti that shit. I'll talk to him but no promises T"

"Thank you Mac, I owe you one" she hangs the phone up as they pull into the house.

She drops the presents off in their room and walks into the living room where they are planning the tour. As she walks in the living room the boys all turn to her. She is afraid what is about to come out their mouths next.

"Babyyyyy" Gus gives her the puppy dog eyes

"Yes?" She sits on his lap kisses him "what do you want?" She slips on the seat next to him.

"Please can you help us plan this tour? And by help I mean can you just take charge of it?" He asks her

She thinks about it for a minute and she has missed planning but doesn't she want to take charge of his tour they wouldn't listen to her. " hmmm ok but I'm not being the tour manager. You're gonna have hire someone else but I do know the perfect guy for it"

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now