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Mac wakes up in a groggy state she stretches out her arm feeling out for Gus. She shoots up when he's not there, she shouts out for him and heard a faint yeah coming from the kitchen. She crawls out of bed reluctantly, slowly walking down the hall scratching her head. The late afternoon sun is beaming through the open space which is the loft. She stands in the middle of the open space in front of Gus and Goth who are sitting on the sofa staring at their macbook screens working on new music. 

"You left me in bed, that just isn't on" Gus laughs at her, she is so cute in the mornings. Well late afternoon.

" Baby you were cold out, I had to check you weren't actually dead" Gus laughing explains to her "You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you and given the fact you've run 2 whole festivals in the last 2 weeks  I thought you deserved sleep. Well our lunch plans are ruined" he winks at her " shall we do dinner tonight beautiful?" He smiles at her with that smile she couldn't never say no too.

"Yes, yes we can. I am going to go home and shower. Has Trace moved in yet?" She asks

"Yeah, him and Malik have gone to get the last boxes. You're not going anywhere" he chases her down the hall way back to his bedroom. He grabs her, picks her up and kisses her down the back of her neck. He spins around, holding the back of her head and kisses her.

She tries to block the kisses with her head but he just moves it away, they both giggle "no I haven't brushed my teeth"

"Baby I do not care" he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. Just as Malika walks in holding a box. She slaps Mac's bare ass and then kisses her head. She laughs to herself as she walks down to Tracy's new room.  Gus carries her back to his room, he throws her down on the bed and lays between her legs. His head rests on her belly. "Boo you gotta go?" He pouts then kisses her belly.

"Yeah just for a little bit baby. I gotta shower and change. This is our first date. I wanna look bomb for you" she leans down and kisses him gently, Gus moves back still kissing her Mac moves with his body slowly sitting up the kiss gets more passionate. The kiss stops, Mac kisses his forehead and then gets off the bed to grab her Louis Vuitton mini backpack off the ground and grabs a vest top. "Baby can borrow some sweats?"

Gus lays on the bed staring at her, pouting that she gotta go, He nods " These are my smallest pair but I don't know they will fit you though" he laughs but then is astonished when she rolls up the cuffs to sit just above the top of her Jordans, She pulls the strings on the waistband as tight as they will go then ties them in a bow. Finally she folds down the waistband to sit below her hips. A sweats made for 6"1 man fits a 5"4 petite woman, he is just in awe at it.  She grabs her sunnies from her bag as she laughs to herself, rummaging around her back to try and find her car keys when it dawns on her. 

"FUCK" She shouts as she realises they ubered here, she goes to grab her phone and it is dead. "Baby can you drive me home?"

"I would love to but I gotta finish this song before tonight"

"It ok hun, close your ears a sec" He looks confused at her then she shouts at the top of lungs "MALIKA" There was short silence as she stuffs her dress into her bag along with her phone, they could hear footsteps coming down the hall. 

"You shouted my love" Malika pops her head round the door frame.

"Girl can you give me a lift home? Gus and I have our first date tonight but I forgot we didn't drive here and he's got finish his song"

"Yeah sure G, I gotta get ready for Tracy and I's date anyway. You ready?" 

Mac nods as she puts her backpack on, Malika leaves the room to grab her bag and say bye to everyone. She gets on her tippy toes and kisses Gus, he sees her struggle and picks her up by the waist, she wraps her legs around him as they kiss. He walks out the room with her clingy to him like a baby. He eventually puts her down "Bye baby, I'll come over soon as I'm ready?" He grins and nods enthusiastic. He kisses her again. "BYE BOYS" she hears them yell back as Malika leaves the living room. 

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