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Watching Peep perform every night was a dream come true for Mac, watching the love of her life giving his all and watching these kids feel his pain, she knew that he was something very special. GBC saw this as well, it became clear quickly that Peep was the main draw for these shows but he didn't see it. She prayed every day that Peep would finally see himself as everyone else did, as she did but this would never happen. Tour was coming to end, she could see the boys were upset about this but the success of the tour was apparent, they already had another one planned coming up for the following year, He also had his 2nd mixtape in the works just needs to record it. Mac was excited to get back home she has missed her girls dearly, she was happy to report Tracy was nothing but faithful to Malika. The journey home seem to take twice as long due to all the excitement of wanting her own bed and being able to have private time with Gus without any walking on them. When they finally get home the first she does is sleep, they all get home at 4 am after deciding to drive all night to get back to LA, Mac had dinner schedule the next evening with the girls but first she needed to go shopping for a gift, as their 1 year anniversary was coming up soon and she still didn't have anything. Mac wakes up on a sunny June moring, looking over at Gus sleeping it feels so good to wake up in their own bed once again, She leans over kissing Gus in his sleep. She sees a smile break out across his face, she smiles back at him, climbing over him she see Tracy smoking a zoot on the balcony. 

"Hey Trace" She sits on the chair opposite him. 

"Hey Mac, You ok?" He hands her the zoot. 

"Yeah I'm good babe, you excited to see Malika?" He nods at her smiling through the smoke leaving his mouth "Can you come shopping with me today? I need to get Gus an anniversary gift"

"Yeah sure, when you leaving?" She checks the time on her phone, its 11 am. 

"I dunno like in 30 minutes?" 

"Sweet, let me get changed and I'll be ready" Tracy gets up and leave Mac sitting outside. She admires the view which isn't much considering they live in Skid Row but it is home to her now she couldn't think of living elsewhere now. She goes to get change when she gets back Gus is awake and scrolling on his phone. 

"Hey handsome" She jumps on him kissing his neck, she rolls over on the bed laying next to him. 

"Morning baby, what you doing today?" He turns over to face her

"I'm going shopping to get you an anniversary gift" She smiles at him. "Have you made any plans?" Nervously asking him. 

"I have actually and I've already got your gift" He winks at her, leaving to take a shower. 

Mac quickly changes into a pair of cycle shorts and one Peeps t shirts. She grabs her backpack and keys. Tracy is waiting by the door for her, the pair head off into town. They walk into a custom art store hoping there's nothing in there he will like. They she sees it, the Jacket, a custom limited edition Never Say Die leather jacket.

"Tracy this has to got to be the one" She picks it up, trying it on drowning her but she knows it'll fit him. 

"100%, he will love this. You know him so well" 

Mac pays for the jacket and they leave. She didn't realise shopping for a gift would been this easy, so she does thing everyone does when they bought a gift for someone else. She goes shopping for herself.  Walking into a lingerie store Tracy becomes a uncomfortable shopping for lingerie with his best friend's girlfriend But she forces him anywhere. She picks up a couple new sets to wear and they pair head off home. 

"So how are you and Malika?" She ask him on the drive home. 

"Yeah we are good, I think she's after something a little more serious and I don't know if I'm ready for that"

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now