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They stay in London for a week before they need to head back for Peep to start his tour. Mac didn't want to leave, she knew that Peep didn't want to leave but he had already committed to a tour with GBC.  A small part of them were relieved that they got to go back to London as Peep seems more relaxed there, he wrote new songs and they were some of the best songs he had written ever. Peep is nervous to get to back to the house not knowing what state the boys have left it in, Tracy had move out and into the GBC house but they still come over all the time to his disappointment. He is always hoping that the would ask him to come to his house not just come to theirs, he wants a space were him and Mac can have time together, not feeling like he needs to make an excuse up to why they can not come over. They uber back to the house nervous to see what state their house is in. Opening the door and it looks like no one has been here in days, heading into the kitchen there is a box of cookies with a note attached. 

We are really sorry to hear about your Parents Mac, We love you and are grateful for everything you do for us. Sorry we don't always show it and cause you a few headaches. But we will always be grateful for you and everything you do. You are the 11th member of GBC. We love you. 

Love GBC x

"Aww this is sweet baby" She holds the note up for Peep to read. She heads off to their bedroom when she notices a envelope on their bedside table. Opening it there is $6k in cash. "GUS" she shouts, he comes running into the room thinking something has happened. "Look" She hands him the envelope as he counts it. "Where the fuck did Goth get $6k in cash in a week?" She realises what she has said "Actually don't tell me" 

"He sold his car baby" She looks up at him shock "Don't worry he was selling it anyway cause he never uses it. I guess he gave you the cash from the sale. I'm glad he did it, took responsibility for his actions, I got you a gift in duty free babe" He hands her a Gucci watch box. 

"Gus what did you do?" She looks up at him with her bright blue eyes, pulling out a silver and gold snake watch "Oh my god baby. I love it" She stretches up and kissing him, he helps her put it on.

"I know your Dad got you that watch when you did your first festival. So this is a wedding gift for you" 

"Thank you baby I love it" She stares at her watch in love with it. "Well great minds think alike here. Happy wedding day" She hands him a Ray-Ban box. 

He pulls out a pair rounded sunglasses he puts them on grinning at her "Baby I love them. I love you" He kisses her. "You are truly my soulmate, we do need to pack for tour though boo"  She pouts at him "I know babe but we gotta do it" There is a knock at the door, Mac walks off to answer it. The boys are standing there looking hopeful they can come it. 

"Hey Mac" Bradan hugs her. 

"Come in guys" She steps aside to let them in "Thank you the cookies guys" She stops Goth "Thank you for the money. I'm sorry I shouted at you and Kicked you out" She hugs him and lets him in. They all sit on the couch discussing the upcoming tour. They are all excited to go but there is a wave of sadness over Mac given the current situation, the first tour without her Parents or Malika to talk to. She sits there zoning out of the conversation. 

"You ok baby" Peep nudges her, whispering in her ear. 

"Yeah baby, I'm going to pack. Do you want me to start yours?" She kisses his cheek. He shakes his head as she gets up and walks off. 

"Is she ok?" Dylan asks Peep. 

"Yeah she will be ok" Peep rejoins the conversation. 

"Congrats on the wedding man" Peep thanks them and heads back to their bedroom worried she is not ok. He stands in the doorway as Mac packs her bag for the tour, he can hear her trying her best to keep her cries quiet. He comes up behind her cuddling her. She turns around he pulls her in for a tight cuddle. She cries into his chest. 

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now