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The festival came to a close for the night once the clean up crew had been round, Mac clocks off for the night and heads back to her trailer to get changed for tonight's party. She keeps her shorts on but puts on a white sleeveless tee which reads Satan's School for Girls. She grabs a bottle of Patron gold and a bottle of vodka, walk towards the pyramid stage with a zoot in mouth and bag of blow in her back pocket. Her radio is still in her back pocket because you never know when you'll need it. As she gets to the stage, the party is in full swing but there are two people standing in front of the stage looking a bit lost.

"Hey you guys, you lost? the festival is closed now" She shouts at two the men, they turn around and it is J and Gus "Oh hey guys! you coming?" She asks, running up to J hugging him and he takes the zoot from her mouth.

"Is that a hunie?" J Asks very confused on what he took out her mouth.

"Nah bruh ain't they sick" Gus starts laughing at J as he smokes it.

She hugs Gus as well but he seems a little nervous. "You gonna give me a ride?" She winks at him.

"Oh baby yes I will" He bites his lip at her, she is looking extra fine tonight. He turns and crouches down as Mac climbs on his back. She kisses on the neck and whispers in his ear.

"You look good tonight as well" The sends shivers down Gus's back, the words fill him with happiness, this could be the girl he has been looking for all the time. They reach the party, Mac extends her arms with bottles in site "Hey guys look who I found" Mac exclaims as she climbs down off "This J and this is Peep"

Mac walks over to the table grabbing shot glasses, she starts pouring shots for everyone, In harsh stage lights Gus can see her arms covered in bruises they are hard to see cause her tats are covering the dark colouring but they are there. She brings three shots over for Her, J and Gus. They down the shots, Gus starts pouring the tequila down MK's throat, she grabs the bottle of vodka and does the same back. She pulls Gus to one side, she starts giggling pulling out the bag of blow, she puts her finger over Gus's mouth making a hushing noise. Gus looks at her with that smile that makes her weak at the knees.

They move out of sight of everyone and rack up a few lines on a table, Gus starts rolling a dollar bill that was in his pocket

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They move out of sight of everyone and rack up a few lines on a table, Gus starts rolling a dollar bill that was in his pocket. He hands it to MK she snorts them up no problem, she passes it back to him. When the lines are all gone she rubs her finger on the table then rubs it on his gums, he does the same to her. The party continues, Gus and Mac are flirting all night, getting close and dancing together, eventually the alcohol runs out. Once more Mac pulls him to one side.

"Shhhhhhh look what I stole from Lana" She puts her finger over his mouth and pulls out a bottle of Patron Blanco, they both laugh. "Wanna go for a drive?" Gus looks at her confused as she pulls out the keys to the golf cart, he giggles at her and nods his head. They climb into the cart Mac starts driving as Gus swings from the bottle. He takes a bump off his pinky finger that he has dipped in the bag. Mac stops the cart in the middle of the other stage field. They get out and lay on the grass together.

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now