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"BABY ARE YOU READY TO LEAVE?!" Gus shouts from the bedroom, silence is the reply "BABY" silence again. "MAC" Silence. What is this woman doing? "MACKENZIE RICHARDS-AHR ARE YOU FUCKING READY TO GO?!" 

Mac comes walking into the bedroom with a toothbrush in her mouth with nothing but grey sweatpants and a CK bra on with his hoodie on "Baby why you yelling? I like it when you use my full name" She winks at him "I was peeing. Yes I'm ready. Are you?" 

He rolls his eyes at her "Yes I am" He kisses her she can tell he is excited to go see his Mama, this trip is the only thing he has been talking about since the end of the tour. Mac is still worried about the situation that happened on the last show date, she never thought her and Peep had a problem with drugs but that episode made it very clear that he does. She confronted him about it and to make a point he stopped for a few weeks but was back on it by the end of the month. This then became a regular thing, she would bring up that they do too many drugs, quit and then within a few weeks they would be right back on the hype. There needed to be a breaking point, this was either going to kill them or hurt them and their families. They need to go to rehab but neither of them will admit this. There is a knock at the door, Mac answer it while Gus fuses with the suitcases. 

"Hey boo" It's Shay, she pulls her in for a hug. "You ready to see Gus's hometown?" 

'I am so excited to see where our little Gus grew up" Gus walks out of the bedroom with the bags. 

"Bitch please, I'm taller than both y'all. Aint nothing small about me" He winks and thrusts his hips at Mac. She just rolls her eyes getting into the Uber. They are heading to Long Island to see his family, Mac promised his Mom that she could throw them a mini wedding reception. It is the least the couple could do after that got married in another country without telling her.  They are going to do proper speeches as they kinda skipped over that part on the actual wedding day, Shay is coming as her maid of honour and Tracy is coming as Peep's best man. Mac and Shay aren't entirely happy about this but it is Peep's decision not hers. Mat and Chloe are already in the private jet, they are currently waiting for them at LAX. Mac sits quietly on the plane, reading her book occasionally sipping on a glass of champagne. "You ok baby? You're really quiet" He kisses her cheek whispering in her ear. 

"Yeah I'm good baby, Just weird to think my parents never got to see this, weird that Malika will never give a speech at our wedding" He senses her sadness. He kisses her again pulling her in for a cuddle. 

"It's ok baby, they are all looking down on us today and everyday. I love you Mrs Ahr" She kisses him. Mouths Thank You

"I love you too Mr Ahr" She kisses him again, snuggling up to him as she reads. Thinking to herself she is truly lucky to have ever found him, he is the most patient, loving, caring, fun, sensitive man she has ever met. They land in JFK, they all jump in ubers before heading to his Mom's house. Liza insisted that everyone stay at her place, no one was to get a hotel or airbnb at all. When they get to her house she is still at work, Peep lets everyone in before him and Mac head to the supermarket to grab some food for everyone and some flowers for his Mom. Gus is looking at cases of Beer while Mac is off looking at flowers when there is tap on his shoulder. He turns around to see the last person he would of expected to see. Emma. His ex girlfriend. 

"Emma....Wow... Hey how are you?" He pulls her in for a hug. 

"Hey Gus. Yeah I'm great how are you? What are you doing here?" 

"Yeah I'm doing great thanks. Actu--" He is cut off when Mac comes walking over interrupting the conversation. 

"Hey baby I got your Mom those chocolate she likes to sa-" She looks up to see this stranger smiling back at her "Oh hey, sorry didn't mean to interrupt" She stands there confused on who this person is. 

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