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Life at the loft had become something of a strange thing, People were in and out all the time she hardly remembers who she even lives with anymore, more and more mattresses made their way into the kitchen. Of course Peep had forgotten the whole we are team thing when he decided to let them live with them. She loves that he is so caring for her and everyone else, He would literally give everything he's got to his friends if they needed it. But he never understands why they wanted to hang out with him or why he is so popular. He would never see himself like she saw him, he is amazing her eyes, the best thing in the whole world to her. So she tried her best not to get mad about living in a frat house. Malika didn't come round as much anymore, she thinks Tracy is cheating on her. Mac had tried to do some spying for her but no good so far. She still believed it though, a girl instinct is never wrong.

Today was go day, she is leaving for tour with Posty, Peeps tour has been pushed back a week so she is actually only going to be missing a week of it not 2 weeks. She thinks Gus did this on purpose, so she could be there for most of it. She packs her bag while Gus sulks on the bed, seems to be a recurring thing every time she has leave for a show now. She crawls on the bed resting her head on his belly.

"I gotta go in a minute baby" She pouts, he strokes her hair.

"No just a little longer beautiful" He pulls her up to his, he squishes her face. "I'm gonna miss you baby"

"I am going to miss you baby, It is only 2 weeks and I'll be right with you on tour, then you got me for a solid 7 weeks" She winks at him.

"Sounds like heaven" He kisses her.

"Ok baby, I got your little gift" She pulls a necklace out of her back pocket, It is her emerald ring on a chain. "Here" She puts it over his head "You've got a piece of me with at all times handsome" She kisses him

"I love it baby. I got you something else well" He leans over to the bedside table and pulls out his favourite Ace ring on a chain. "We really think the same baby" He puts it over head "Beautiful" A tear forms in his eye, running down his cheek.

She wipes it away "Hey no crying baby, or you'll make me cry. I'll be back in 2 weeks boo" She kisses him again "Will you drive me to the meet point?" He nods at her smiling "So you can drive my car while I'm gone but be careful with it and no one else is allowed to drive it apart from you" She kisses him again. She runs into the kitchen "Bye my babies" She blows kisses to them all. They laugh at her and wishes her goodluck on tour. Gus carries her bags downstairs, they drive off to recording studio where she is supposed to meet them all. One of the roadies came and took her bags. Gus picks her up out of the car, she wraps her legs around and plants a 100 kisses on him. "I love you so much, I will see you in 2 weeks"

"I love you too beautiful, I am gonna miss you all time. Facetime you every single day" He kisses her before putting her down. She kisses him one last time before getting on the bus.

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