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Days were a blur now,  Mac barely left their room, she sat there going through old photos of her and Malika, watching old videos, reading old texts. She was stuck in a loop, not being escape what happen, Gus tried his hardest to help her but he was at loss of what to do. Their anniversary was coming up but sadly the funeral was on the same day, he kept their dinner plans but he wasn't sure they wouldn't make it to dinner. He didn't want to be insensitive and bring it up, He just sits with her holding her, feeding her, comforting when she cried.  

"Baby?" She finally looks up from her phone. 

"Yeah boo?" He looks at her. 

"I have a voicemail from Malika, will you listen to it with me?" 

"Of course I will baby" He knew this was not a good idea but he wanted to support her. She presses play on the voicemail, she instantly cries at the sound of Malika's voice. 

"Hey hunny, I'm sorry I didn't stop by and say hi. I am going to have cancel dinner,  I just left Tracy. We ended things after a year. I found out he's been sleeping with other girls. I hate him. He literally slept with someone an hour ago before coming to see me. I can't believe he lead me on for a fucking year.  Don't blame yourself! I was the one wanting to meet him remember. I am going to go to my Moms! Just want you to know I love you and I think you nd Peep are the best couple ever. He truly loves you! You two are soulmates don't let him go Mackenzie Richards! Marry that man and have beautiful babies! I'll be their awesome godmother! I love you and I'll see you in a few days. Bye hot mami"  She is red with anger hearing that Tracy had cheated on her best friend. Peep saw this anger.

She shoots up out bed storming out into the kitchen, Peep runs out after, worried about she is going to do to Tracy. "YOU FUCKING PIG. I HATE YOU" She screams at Tracy who is oblivious to what is going "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU CHEAT ON MY BEST FRIEND. A YEAR? A FUCKING YEAR YOU WERE FUCKING OTHER WHORES. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME AT THAT FUNERAL. I SWEAR TO GO YOU EVER COME NEAR ME OR SHAY AGAIN I'LL CUT YOUR FUCKING DICK OFF" Peep puts himself between Mac and Tracy. 

"Come on baby, let's go before you say something you regret. Baby please" He pleads with his girlfriend, He knows if it comes to it he will take Mac's side. 

"YOU ARE THE REASON SHE IS DEAD. SHE WOULD OF NEVER BEEN IN THAT FUCKING STORE IF SHE HADN'T COME TO SEE YOU. SHE LOVED YOU. THAT'S WHAT SHE WAS COMING TO TELL YOU. YOU ARE SCUM. I HATE YOU" There it was, the words he was afraid to hear but knew she going to say. Everyone knew that is true but no one had said it. He pick her up, carrying her off to their bedroom. 

"Baby come on. I promise you he isn't worth it"

"I HATE YOU. YOU KILLER" She screams at her, he is afraid that she going to damage her vocal cords from screaming so much. She cries into his shoulder as he carries her off. "Baby I'm so lost" She sniffs between her cries, she looks up at him with those big blue eyes filled with tears. "Baby I miss her so much, I didn't listen to that voicemail when it first came through maybe if I had-" She can't finish the sentence because she is crying so much. 

"Baby don't think like that, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time" he pulls her in for a hug. "Baby you want a zoot before bed?"

She looks up at him "Yes please baby" a small smile escapes her lips. "I feel guilty for smiling"

Peep starts to roll a zoot "Don't think like that hunny. She wants you to be happy" They watch a film smoking in silence, eventually Mac falls asleep. 

She wakes up in the middle night, trying to get back to sleep but she can't. Looking over at the tray and there's no more weed left. She looks in Peep sock drawer she know he keeps the drugs in there, no weed but she picks up a bottle of xanax pills. These will do, she takes 2 with still no effect she takes one more. Falling asleep almost instantly. It is the day of the funeral, Peep tries to wake her up but she is cold out, he lets her rest a little longer. They don't have to leave for a couple hours, He gets ready, waiting in the kitchen for Mac to come out. He sees Tracy sulking in the corner, they've not spoken since it happen, he is not sure what to say to him, he wants to comfort him but he doesn't know what to say to his best friend knowing what Mac said is true. Tracy is dressed for the funeral hoping Mac would change her mind but Peep knows her better than anyone and she won't be changing her mind until it is too late. Eventually Mac emerges into the kitchen fully dressed for the funeral wearing her boots. She showered and got ready which is a first for the last couple weeks. 

"Hey baby, You were cold out. You ok?" He asks her, looking over at Tracy hoping she notices him. 

"Yeah I'm good, I took some of the xanax pills in your drawer and went straight to sleep" She sips on a redbull looking at him cold in the eyes. This reminds him how he treated when he OD'd

"Baby you did what? How many?" He is scared she took those. 

"I dunno like 3" She passes it over like it was no big deal. 

"Mac, I thought we weren't doing that anymore" He is concerned she is going to overdose like she did before they met. 

"I don't care Gus, I said you shouldn't do them not me" She pushes past him, grabbing her bag and keys. 

"Baby they are stronger than a normal prescription. Something could of happen remember what happened to me? To you? We made a deal remember" He grabs her arm worried for her driving. 

"Peep I don't fucking care. I'm not your fucking mother. Do whatever the fuck you want.  I don't care about it anymore" She barges past him, walking down and getting into the car. She sits there crying in the drivers seat. She didn't mean to yell at Gus, he is only protecting her. She wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come with her. She looks out the windscreen crying hoping Gus is a bigger person than her right now. He opens the driver side door.

"Baby come here" he picks her up, moving her to the passenger seat. He gets in the drivers side.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean that. Of course I care"

"I know babygirl. You just lost your best friend. You're in a really difficult time. I love you soulmate" He kisses her. 

"I love you too soulmate" She does her best to smile at him. They drive off to the funeral.

MackieRichRich I am so sorry this happened to you

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MackieRichRich I am so sorry this happened to you. I've been staring at my phone for the last hour trying to think of what to write to memorialise you  but everything I try to write just seems so disingenuous. You've been my best friend since we were 8 & 6. You were my next door neighbour that I loved to annoy until you let me play. Eventually I wore you down until I fooled you into thinking we were friends. We stuck by each other through thick & thin, heartbreaks and makeups. This should of never happened to you, you were the brightest soul ever. The world is a little bit dimmer now you're gone. I'll never forget about you, I'll love you forever. It was truly like I had met my sister. I'll protect Shay and  Karla until the end of time. I love you, have a shot of patron up there for me Hot Mami

Tagged Malika_CA, Shaynay, MamaKarla

LilPeep, Shaynay & 450,000 others like this 

LilPeep That is beautiful baby, really beautiful

MamaKarla You are like my 3rd daughter, part of our family since the beginning. She would of loved this hunny.

Shaynay You are my sister Mac! I love you so much, Malika loves you like family and Peep she loved you as well. Thank you for making our sister so happy!  

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