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Mac doesn't say anything as Peep gets ready for bed, he climbs in, she turns on her side he pulls her in for a cuddle. She silently sobs into the pillow as all she can think of is him with her and it is breaking her. She always tells her friends that if their partner ever cheats they need to break up with, no ifs or buts there is no excuse. Now she is in the same position as many of her friends previously, she realises it is just not that easy, there are so many feelings included. She doesn't know if she can ever forgive or forget what happened but at the same time she loves him with her whole heart and could never live without him. It is going to take some time for to figure out how to live with the fact Gus was unfaithful to her, now she is doubting any other times they were apart, if he was unfaithful at any other times. Peep cuddles her while sleeps, all he wants to do is apologise but he knows it is going to take more than just an apology this time. The next morning he kisses the back of her head hoping she will turn and talk about what happened but instead she gets out of bed and leaves the room. Gus flops over on his back sighing, not knowing how to make this right. He needs to call his Mama.

Gus 🤱🏻is calling

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"Hey baby, are you ok?" His Mom answers the phone. 

"No Mama, I fucked up" He starts to cry on the phone. 

"Gus don't swear. What happened?"

"About 5 months ago I cheated on Mac when I really really drunk.  In all honesty I thought it was her. My friends were also drunk and thought it was funny to film it. I instantly regretted it and never knew what to do so I never told Mac. Then yesterday when we got back from Bali, Bradan was showing her a funny video and the next video was the one. We then had a massive argument about it but I got stubborn and didn't apologise, and I was really nasty and said stuff I regret so much. She left the house for hours, she let me back into bed but she hasn't said a word to me since like 3pm yesterday. Mama what do I do? How I can make this better?" He cries down the phone to his Mom. 

There's a small silence waiting for his Mom's words of wisdom "Oh god Gus, you idiot. She is the best damn thing ever to happen to you she has brought out so much good in you. Ok Ok. Has Shayna called you yelling?" 

He is confused on the direction of the advice "I know Mama, I am an idiot and no she hasn't" 

"Ok, we know if that she had told Shayna you would of gotten a lot of nasty texts by now. Look how Mac blew up at Tracy. The fact she hasn't told her best friend means she is trying her hardest to forgive you. She needs time baby, just let her ignore you for a moment. She is trying to forgive you or at least figure a way to forget about it. Mac loves you so much, she is going to marry you. Just give her a little time baby. She has got to hate you first. Trust me baby, give her time"  

"Thank you Mama, I feel terrible for it. The boys and I were smoking and I just didn't apologise. I was horrible to her Mom. She looked so broken. She even called me Lil Peep, she actually said she couldn't have this conversation with me because I wasn't acting like me, I was acting like Lil Peep. That hurt me" 

"Baby she is trying to hurt you like you hurt her. But there is nothing that she can say that will hurt you like you hurt her. Just give her time Gus, she will come back around"

"Thank you Mama, I love you" He hangs up the phone as Mac walks back in the room from showering. She is soaking wet wrapped in a towel, all he wants to do is cuddle her and tell her it'll be alright. She doesn't look at him while she gets dressed, picking up a pair of cycle shorts and one of his hoodies. That is a good sign, grabbing her bag and keys she is about to leave the room again.  "Mac" he calls out for her, she sighs turning around at him "I know you need some time before we can talk. I need you to know it was just the drugs talking yesterday. I am so sorry for what happened and I instantly regretted what happened the second it was over. I was so scared to tell you so I didn't and I know that is wrong. I am so sorry babygirl, I am so sorry for how I acted yesterday, I regret everything I said, I love you so much. I just need you to know that" She nods at him and leaves the room. 

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