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Before the pair knew it 6 weeks had passed and they had not spent more than 3 hours apart. The girls barely spent time at their apartment as they were always at the boys loft, they refused to believe they had moved it only taking enough stuff for one or two nights stay. Then always popping back to the apartment to shower, do laundry and grab more things. Mac was practically working from the loft space along with the boys, she is still working as a freelance event & talent manager in LA. With her final festival coming she started to doubt her choice to leave festival work but every time she felt like this she would look over at Gus doing something completely normal with that smile that makes her weak at the knees and she knew that she was making the right decision for the pair of them. They were a week out from Reading & Leeds festival and only a few days until she actually leaves, Mac was frantically trying to get everything together as a couple bands from various stages have had to drop out and she was looking for talent to fill those spots. She finally thought she had the line up squared away but she was about to be proven wrong.

"Hey baby, Do you mind if take my meeting in here? Or do you want me to go into your room" she asks Gus and he moves round the table to kiss because it had been at lest 5 minutes since the last time the couple touched.

"Nah go ahead boo. We will try not to make too much noise" she smiles up at him and kisses him again before putting her headphones and connecting into the Skype meeting.

"Hi guys how are we all doing? Excited for the festival?" The group groan as they know they struggles that have come with this festival. " my feelings exactly" she laughs along with the group. As they get down to business making sure everything is in place and ready to go, Gus looks up from his screen across the table from her and watches her as gets hard at work, he just smiles. A feeling comfort washes over him as he know that she is his home , she looks up and catches him smiling she reciprocates the smile. He looks down at his computer getting shy. "Ok please everyone tell me that no other bands have dropped out?" That's when Carrie informs her that Krept and Konan are unable to make it now due an impending court case. Mac bangs her hand off her forehead "you've got to be fucking kidding me. Hmm ok" she looks up at the boys working head and has a brilliant idea " ok leave with me I think I have just the people to take that spot. Anything else to discuss before we end this?" The group shake their heads "Ok who will I be seeing at Reading" some members of the group out their hands up " Brilliant guys I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 20th. For briefing and all that shit. Those of you who are going Leeds good luck and Carrie I will email you the details of the replacement. And one last thing, I don't know why but management want me in Reading from the Wednesday to Saturday and then Sunday you lucky people have me in Leeds and Carrie in Reading. Makes no sense to me but that's why they are big bucks and we are not" the group laugh"Thank you guys, rest up we are gonna need it" she kisses her hands and pretends to blow it through the screen. She shuts her computer screen and looks at Gus with eyes filled with love "Gussssss" she only ever calls him like when she wants something like a spider killing or a drink from the kitchen when she can't be bothered to get up.

"Yes" he knows what is coming next , he closes his screen and takes her hands from across the table.

"Would you and the boys like perform at Reading and Leeds" she makes the puppy dogs eyes at him but it didn't matter because before she had even finished that sentence he knew the answer was yes

"Yes, 100 times yes. Thank you so much baby" he get up from the table runs round the other side and picks her up off her chair, planting a 100 kisses all over her face.  He puts her back down, he looks over at the boys and they are practically bouncing up and down in their chairs. "Omg yes please baby. How did you swing that?"

"Well one of the bands have had to pull because of court case and I know how much you all loved Glasto. But no whores giving you head in the middle of backstage again" she winks at him.

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now