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During the week leading to Halloween and Peeps birthday the two worked closely together with music and as a couple. Their thoughts, their creative energy seemed to be on a level with each other. It is the Saturday before his birthday, Mac is preparing for her last shift before a couple weeks off as she gets ready for a show she looks into the mirror she sees him his on the bed behind her sulking that she's has to go out. Once she is ready for work she goes to the bed, pulling him in a for cuddle she kisses the top of his head.

"What's wrong baby?" She asks him, he doesn't look like he's doing well.

"Do you have to go to work? Can you stay in bed with me? I feel not me" proud of him for actually saying how he feels normally he would bottle it up and brush her off when she asked.

"I'm sorry baby but after tonight you got me for two weeks without any work I promise, I won't even answer my phone to work" she kisses him, putting on a pair of heeled boots. She picks up her keys, let's out a deep sigh she doesn't want to leave him but she has to go to work. Walking down to the kitchen to grab a Redbull before leaving, her phone buzzes and it's Hayley saying everything is sorted, Hayley is her second in command and she knows she is completely capable of taking control for a night. She dials her number "hey Hayley, you ok?"

"Hey Mackenzie. Yeah I'm good thanks, when are you getting here?" Hayley asks her.

"Yeah that's why I'm phoning I need you to be me tonight. There's a family crisis that has come up and I really need to be here. I know you got everything, I know you can do this hun" she explains peering down the hall to Peeps room, she can hear Red Hot Chilli Peppers coming out their room. "You're my number 2, you're practically me"

"Oh wow thank you so much for the confidence. I hope everything is ok at home" Mac hangs up the phone.

Standing in the kitchen, she looks at her to what she has just done. Never in her life has she put a boy before work, he is her everything and she would do shit she never done before for him to make sure he's ok. Taking off her boots throwing to one side she grabs snacks from the kitchens, couple drinks and heads back to his room. Before opening the door you can hear faint cry's coming from his room, quietly opening the door she puts the snacks on the end of the bed and pulls Gus into a cuddle. He turns over to face her, he throws his arms around and cry's into her chest. She comforts him, stroking his hair, gently kissing him on the head. "It's ok baby. Let it out. I'm not going anywhere"

They lay like this for half hour before Gus stops crying and pulls away to face her. "I thought you had work baby?" He reaches you and kiss her before resting his head on the pillow again.

"You're more important boo" she kisses him before passing the snacks up. She puts the Hellboy dvd in the tv. She takes her clothes off putting a t shirt on, they climb into bed together, he snuggles into her while eating candy as the film start. This is his favourite film, they've watched it so much in the last 4 months she knows all the words as he does. They don't say a word during the film sitting in completely silence but not awkward silence like comfortable silence, they were just enjoying the film together. This was the first she had seen him cry which is a big step in their relationship. When the film finishes he looks up after with the puppy dog eyes. "Yes we can watch the second one" he smiles for the first time all day, swiftly kisses her and jumps out of bed to put the new dvd in. He sits on his bedroom floor and pulls out the tray from under the bed with a small amount of coke left on it and his grinder. He starts to rack them up some lines, Mac lays on her stomach facing him rolling a blunt for them. "Baby why do you do drugs?"

He's taken aback by the question that no ones ever asked him. "Why do you do drugs?" He flips the question back at her.

"To kill my demons. Even if it's only for small time" she shrugs her shoulders and makes the line disappear. "Maybe one day I'll stop who knows. Maybe one day it'll kill me" she shrugs her shoulders again "Now you" she instructs him as she finishes rolling the blunt.  He has always had the same thought as her but hearing her say it aloud scares him to think he could lose her at any point if they weren't careful with their lifestyle.

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now