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The days following Gus's OD Mac would wake up in panic thinking that she hadn't gotten there in time then she would look over at Gus sleeping soundly next to her and she would relax back into bed. This went on for a week before she could sleep soundly again, her birthday was coming up, she wonder if Gus had anything planned for her. Little did she know he had a whole day planned for her, waking up on her birthday morning she panics when Gus is not next to her then she hears him walking down the hall singing to himself, making her laugh. He kicks the door open wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and birthday hat on like she did. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAAAC HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" He grins at her over the breakfast he's made her. "Morning baby" He puts the tray down her lap, grabs the presents he hid under the bed, climbing back into bed with he hands them to while kissing her cheek. 

"Thank you boo, did you make this?" She ask looking down at the amazing  breakfast in front of her. He looks up at the ceiling and starts whistling "Did Malika help you?" She asks him reading the card from Malika, he nods with a grin on his face. Look at the presents in front her. "Right you defo wrapped these yourself" She tucks into the breakfast, occasionally giving him a bite. She goes to grab a present but Peep takes it away quickly "Please baby" She gives him puppy dog eyes. 

"Kiss first" He pouts his lips. She leans in and kiss her "Thank you beautiful now open" He hands the present, she hands him the breakfast which he continues to eat. 

She opens the first box, he jaw drops. Looking at the open jewellry box "Baby this is beautiful" She looks down at the diamond P necklace.

"See its P for Peep, now we've both got a piece of each other with us at all times" He smiles at her. 

"Baby I love it, it is gorgeous. You're amazing" She kisses him. He hands the next present to her it is another box. She opens it revealing a gold grill for her teeth. She puts it on and smiles at him

MackieRichRich Lookin at my teeth like you never seen a gold tooth

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MackieRichRich Lookin at my teeth like you never seen a gold tooth

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep Suits you babygirl

Tminajjj she now a G!

"Ok this is the final one but you need your laptop to play it" He hands her laptop and presses play, it's a song they've been working on together He looks so proud at her as the song plays and she hears Gus voices "Oh Shit its MacDaddy on the track" A smile spreads across her face "You like it baby?" She nods and pulls him for a hug. The fact he wanted to acknowledge her on their work meant the world to her. "You can use it on all your tracks now we can change it if you don't like MacDaddy" 

"I love it Gus" She kisses him "I've got a tattoo booked today baby, you want to come with me?"

"Of course I do. It is your day today. You can't get rid of me" He kisses her again She gets out bed to shower, the pair get ready for the day. As Mac does her makeup Gus starts filming her "Ok baby you've got one last present, please sit on the bed, hold your hands out and close your eyes" She follow his order, starting to giggle. 

"This better not be your dick" They laugh.

"No you'll get that later" He puts a heavy box on her lap "Ok baby open your eyes" She opens her eyes, looking down at the box her jaw drops again it is a Christina Louboutin box. 

"Gus what did you do?" A huge smile spreads across her face. She opens the box to see a beautiful pair of Bianca boots. "Gus stop. You didn't. Baby I can't accept these" Her actions counter her words as she puts the boots on, she jumps up off the bed walking around their bedroom. "Gus no" 

"Yes you can baby, you look amazing in them. But I knew you would" She jumps on him, wrapping her legs around him as he is still recording. She plants a 100 kisses on his face. 

"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you" she repeats it over and over. she jumps down and examines her boots in the mirror. "Oh Gus I love them soo much. I love you" She kisses him again, he helps her put the necklace and the pair leave once more for the tattoo shop. Gus holds her hand as she gets the back of neck tattooed. Occasionally feeding her candy or holding a drink up with a straw in it. after a long 2 hours her tattoo is finished. 

MackieRichRich #sorrydaddy

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MackieRichRich #sorrydaddy


LilPeep Baby you only call me that in the bedroom 😳😏😏❤️

MackieRichRich I was apologising to my actual father 😏❤️

"Your such a dick" She whisper to him as he drive the pair to her birthday dinner. He just giggles to himself. "Baby Thank you a perfect day"

"But we didn't do anything boo" He is concerned her birthday isn't as good as he had hoped it would be. 

"Exactly baby, I got to spend it with you and thats all I ever want baby" she kisses his hand as he drives. He pulls up at the restaurant, he opens the car door for Mac, they walk in hand in hand, she see's all their friends sitting there singing happy birthday to her. She snuggles up to Gus "Thank you baby" She kisses him and they sit down to eat. For once Gus is taking it easy on the drink tonight so she can party on her birthday. He watches her as she socialises with their friends, he sits back and falls in love with her even more. Watching her laugh he melts at the sound of her laughing. As usual the party ends up back at the loft, Mac dances with her friend still wearing her new boots. He made the right decision with those, he will have to thank Malika at some point for showing him them. At the end of the night Mac walks up to him, grabbing the waistband of his jeans "I think I got one more present. Don't I?" She bites her lip looking up at him with those blue eyes that he could never say no to.  He nods as he bites his lip, he picks her up and puts over his shoulder smacking her ass as they leave the main room "BYE OFF TO GET LAID WITH MY HOT HOT BOYFRIEND. LOVE YOU ALL" The two laugh as he throws her down on the bed. He strips down to his boxers, he carefully takes her boots off, he then undresses her, flipping her over onto all fours, she lays flat sticking her ass up in the air, he pours a little bit of coke on to naked butt and sniffs it off before handing her the vile with it in.  She sniffs it up as Gus slips in, being too drunk to hold her moans in, she lets out a loud moan then another and another, She can hear Gus moaning as well this energising her more. He pulls her hair back playing with her boobs. He flips over her over so she laying flat on her back, she wraps her legs around him holding him as close as possible. "I love you" She whispers in is ear before biting his neck. Gus goes faster, she finishes all over his dick following swiftly by him finishing in her.  The pair lay next to each breathless and sweaty. "Wanna join me in the shower?" She winks at him, He grabs her hand going running off to the bathroom. Getting in the shower together, he lays her flat against shower wall not waiting any longer, he puts his dick back in her. He goes hard and fast this is short adventure given the last one, the pair collapse into each other. Panting on each other. 

"Happy birthday to you" He bites her ear. The pair clean up and get back to their comfy bed. Mac sits up in bed rolling a zoot for them, the cuddling up together  smoking. "Did you have a good birthday baby?" He kisses her forehead while passing the zoot over. 

She takes a deep drag on the zoot, he hypnotised by the smoke pouring out of luscious lips, she smiles at showing off the gold grill. "The best birthday baby" She stretches up and kisses him. "I love you" They fall asleep together. 

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