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"Hey Austin , thank you so much for this opportunity. Really loved it! Hopefully we can work together in the future" She says bye to Posty as she leaves the tour bus.

"No problem dude" He pulls her in for a hug "Sure I can't tempt you to stay a little longer on tour?" He pleads with her. 

"Sorry boo, I miss my Peep. I can't wait to be back with him" Her face lights up when talking about Peep. She hugs Austin again.

"I can't see how happy you two make eachother, you really are the definition of soulmates"

"Thanks man, I'm going to marry that boy and have his beautiful babies" She glows when she talks about Peep and their love together. Austin knew that Peep was going to marry his best friend, he's hoping for best man. "Right I really gotta go now bruv. Bye my babies" Shouting to the tour bus, they groan at her as it is 7 am and they only got to bed a 5 am, She crosses the road to where Peeps van is parked. 

Peep see's her crossing the street he goes running up her. Picking her up in the middle of the road. "BABYGIRL I MISSED YOU" everyone walking past stops and stares at them. "Its so good to cuddle you again. I've missed cuddling you"

"I've missed this too baby and you so much" She kisses him a 100 times. "I love you Gus"

"I love you to Mac" He kisses her again, they never want to spend any more time apart, Peep runs over to Austin, who is standing at the side of the tour bus waving at the two. he cuddles him, kissing him on the cheek and runs back over to Mac with a look of shock that he just kissed Post Malone. "Oh my god I think I just creamed my pants. I kissed Post Malone. Sorry babygirl, I think I'm leaving you for him" She just laughs at him climbing into the van, Bradan moved into a seat in the back and Mac takes the middle seat cuddling up to Peep as they drive to the next destination. 

It was the best sleep they pair of them had had in weeks, He kisses her head during his sleep taking in her scent, he relaxes into her never has he felt more at home than right now with her. He thought of maybe popping the question now but he wanted it just to be him and her not with everyone else around them. also not when he stink like 4 day tour. After a long 3 hour drive they finally reach San Diego, they've got a motel for the night, The boys cannot wait to have a shower they all stink, Gus runs off to the shower while Mac chills on the bed scrolling through instagram. *COUGH* She looks up from her phone seeing Gus standing in the doorway dripping wet and wearing nothing. She looks him up and down biting her lip, liking what she sees, she walks over the bathroom stripping off as she walks. Gus pulls her into the tiny box shower but space didn't matter they've done it in weirder smaller spaces. He kisses her neck leaning her against the shower walk, holding her hands above her head. He slips his dick in, letting the water fall over their bodies, glistening on their tattoos. Moans escape their lips, finally on their own they can be as loud as they want. This has been in a week in the making, From a couple that sex nearly every day to not having it for a week it felt like an a year. Gus feels her finishing on him this drives him harder and faster, he feels it again. They moans become one getting louder and louder then he fills her up, he collapses into her. "I love you Mackenzie Richards" He whispers in her ear. 

She giggles "I love you to Gustav Ahr, You're my soulmate" She kicks Gus out the shower "I gotta clean up" she giggles at him, He stands there biting his lip checking her out. Thinking to himself How did I get so lucky? She is my everything.  Mac comes out the shower in a tiny towel that barely covers anything, she sits on the bed playing with her boobs. "Babe look how good my boobs look" She poses, Gus takes a picture of her, he starts laughing at his phone he turns it around to show her. 

LilPeep I got my baby back, never letting go 

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LilPeep I got my baby back, never letting go 

Tagged MackieRichRich


MackieRichRich I aint going anywhere baby boy!

"Take pictures of me now. Please please" She laughs getting her phone out he poses around the room.

 Please please" She laughs getting her phone out he poses around the room

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MackieRichRich Damn, I'll make you a daddy 😈😈😍😍

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep Happily 😈😈😈😈

"Offt baby, come here" He pulls her up to his face kissing her, they roll around the bed together kissing and laughing Gus tickles her he chases her around the room when there is a knock at the door, Mac answers it trying to use the door to cover herself up, using one hand to cover her boobs. It's Dylan. 

"Oh hey Dylan, you alright?" She asks out of breath from running around the room. 

"Yeah have you two stopped fucking now? We gotta do soundcheck" He laughs at her, his eyes drifts to her boobs being barely covered by her hand. 

"Dylan eyes up here" She clicks her fingers in face. He shakes his head out of the trance her boobs caused. "Yeah we will be out in a second" She closes the door, turning around she sees Gus is right behind her, he picks up her up pinning her against the door. "Oh baby" She moans in his ear, Peep goes hard and fast as they gotta be quick. Dylan bangs on the door "5 MINUTES" She shouts, Gus picks her up and throws her on the bed going at it. Dylan bursts in. Standing in shock in the doorway, she turns to him "EITHER JOIN IN AND OR LEAVE, DON'T JUST STAND THERE" She shouts at him, he actually look likes he is considering it "GET OUT FUCKWIT" He shuffles out of the room out the room, the pair just laugh. It is a quick finish. They get ready and leave for soundcheck. 

As they arrive at the venue there is a small crowd waiting for him, he starts to become anxious, he reaches behind him fro Mac's hand, he starts to panic when she's not there. "Baby? BABY? MAC?" He is anxiety kicks in now. 

She reaches out and grabs his hand "Baby I'm right here, its ok" She strokes his head as they walk into the venue. She calms him down, He looks behind him, seeing her smile calms him every time. His home. 

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