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A week has past since Joey came back into their lives and ruined everything for Gus and Mac. Gus has fallen into a pit of despair and the only thing that seems to work for him is drugs and booze, the occasional band slut, which happened to be this girl Layla who is obsessed with him. But each time he is with her all he can do is worry and think about Mac. Hoping she is not in too much pain. He is currently on a flight to England to play Reading festival, he is kinda excited because he knows he is going to see Mac but worried about what state she will be in. The boys land and head straight for the festival as the pull up to unsigned tent he can see Mac talking to someone else, a smile escapes his mouth and wave of familiarity washes over him once again. Mac's radio buzzes before she can turn around and she goes off to wherever the radio told her to go. Gus recognises her as Carrie from all the video chats Mac did.

He stops Carries before she can run off well "Hey it's Carrie right?"

"Yeah you're Gus right?" She aks, he just nods "She is not doing well, Joey has beat her all up. Gus please help her, I don't know what you can do but something we are all scared. She told me yesterday she loves you" Gus smiles but then the realisation of what Carrie had just said, scares him. He just nods and Carrie walks off.

The boys gather round Gus, making sure he's ok. The boys start partying before Peep's set.

Macs radio buzzes *GO FOR MAC* "Yeah" *CAN YOU COME TO UNSIGNED IT YA BOY PLAYING UP AGAIN" Mac smiles, but is scared for how they will react to her bruises. She walks over to the tent. She sees them running a muck of her backstage, she has feeling that they done this on purpose to get her attention. "Really fuckwits you up to no good again?" They all smile at the sound of her voice, Gus feels love in veins and he turns around, suddenly that feeling is replaced with fear. Mac stands there just like the first time they met with her arms crossed and that pissed off look on her face but what's different is she wear a long sleeve baggy top and he can see her lip is all busted and cut. She's wearing makeup but the hot weather has melted it off and he can see both eyes are black. She cuts all over hands, bruises cover her legs. She looks like she's gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. The smile that had been on the groups face suddenly drops. Tracy runs over to her and whisper We are going to kill him for doing this, a tear escapes his eye but he quickly wipes it away. The group disperse and leave the two love birds to talk. "So you go on stage in 30 minutes, Carlie will come and mic you up, J sent over the tracks but if there any chances please let her know. She'll be running this stage and I'll see you in Reading" Her eyes fill up with tears as all she wants to do is run up to him and kiss him. She turns to walk away but he grabs her arm, she winces with the pain.

"Mac, please talk to me" He pulls her in for a cuddle, he holds her so tight, she relaxes into him and feels at home for the first time in a week. They stand like this for 10 minutes. he whispers in her ear I am going to kill him, that is a promise babygirl. She starts to cry into his chest, the sound of her crying makes him cry. He pulls away and wipes away the tears from her face, she looks up to him and sees his tears. She reaches up on tip toes and wipes away his tears.

"Gus if he even finds out I saw you let alone spoke to you he will kill me first. Please baby, I'm coming back I promise" She tries to walk again but he pulls her arm again and into a passionate kiss. She kisses him back, he can feel the tears falling down her face. His heart breaks for her, he wants to make it all better now but he knows that if they act too quickly Mac could get hurt more. He finally lets her go, she goes walking off to the main stage, Carlie comes over and starts getting him ready to perform. The festival goes by in a blur of drugs and sloppy sex, by the time Peep gets back to LA he can barely remember the weekend, he can't even remember performing. Another week passes without any contact from Mac, then another and then another. It has almost been a month since the last time they spoke. His heart is empty.

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