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Waking the next morning she has a banging headache but there is a feeling that this isn't from a night of drinking. Getting out of bed she heads over to the mirror examining the damage from the night before.

"GUS" She shouts, he emerges from the bathroom dripping wet. "Look" She points to her nose which has started to bruise. "Baby it's really painful. Can we go to the emergency room?"

He comes examining the damage from the night before "Yeah sure baby, we will skip the show today" He kisses her nose and orders them an uber to the local hospital. "Baby does it still hurt?" He asks her as they wait for a doctor to see her.

"Yeah does it look really bad?" He takes a picture of her nose and shows it to her "that is way worse than this morning" She starts to cry.

"Hey now, no crying now, it looks fine baby. Don't look broken"

She giggles "Did I miss when you got your medical training?" He winks at her. The doctors calls her in and examines her nose. Luckily it is not broken just bruised the swelling should go down soon and the bruising will get worse but will eventually fade. "Baby I look like crackhead with this" She points to her nose.

"Baby you look beautiful. Come lets get food and we will watch films in bed ok?" He kisses her as they wait for their uber back to the house. They eat chinese food and watch films all night, Peep even turns off his phone so they can have some quality alone time together before tour starts. Once they get on this tour they will have barely any alone time together stuck in a tiny van and crappy motels with the rest of the boys. "Mac" Gus breaks the silence.

"Yeah baby?" She turns to him mouth full of popcorn.

He just laughs "I love you, I never thought in a million years I would want to get married but from the moment I met you I knew I could never live without you. You make a better person. You're brilliant and amazing" He kisses her

"I love you too baby. You make me a better person. You're my soulmate. Everything ok?"

"Yeah I know the last year has been difficult in trusting me. Thank you for giving another chance. Can I ask why did you?" He doubts himself at every point.

"You know when you have a bad day and you want to call your best friend to tell them? When I sat in my car after finding what you did. I wasn't going to call to Shay or Austin. I was going to call you and I knew you deserved another chance. Everyone makes mistakes. My dad did, my Mom forgave him and they had an amazing marriage" She kisses him.

Tour is in full swing, Peep's stupid manager from FAE has come along poking his nose in where it does not belong. They are in belgium for two nights she is excited to explore the city but their explorations only goes as far the bars in this place. With a night off the group decide to party and celebrate this tour so far. Peep has killed it in every city he has been in. The crowds are coming for him, it is become more and more clear that he is going to have any amazing solo career, she is not sure how the rest of boys are going to take it but it's coming sooner than they all think. Drinks are flowing and in true style so do the drugs. Deciding to head back early Mac leaves the boys and goes to the hotel for some sleep. Peep stumbles in at 5 am trying not to wake Mac. He turns the lights on not even a mumble from her. Walking into the table, quickly looking over at her she is sound asleep. Odd that would of normally wake her up.

"Baby?" Nothing from her "Mac?" Not a sound, he starts to get worried "MAC?!" he shouts at her. She doesn't even move. He rushes over to where she is sleeping, She is barely breathing "MAC? Babygirl?" He shakes her trying to wake her up. She doesn't react. He starts to get worried seeing the xanax bottle of next to the bed. "oh god baby what have you done?" He drags her off to the bathroom. Tears fall down his face. "Baby come on you gotta wakeup" He forces water down her throat before sticking his fingers down her throat. "Babygirl come on wakeup please. You aint going out this way" Tears streaming down his face now. This must of been how she felt when he did the same to her.  He feels her coughing, he removes his fingers holding her head over the toilet. She starts to throwing up the contents of her stomach. Eventually regaining consciousness. She stares at him at crying, with no clue of what just happened. "Baby oh god" He pulls her in a for tight hug, holding her on the bathroom floor. "Oh my god babygirl I thought I had lost you" She feels him crying on her shoulder, she strokes his hair.

"Oh god, baby I am so sorry. I didn't mean too" He carries on crying on her shoulder. She just hold him as he cries. He looks up at her once he has finished crying "Baby I am so sorry, I couldn't sleep so I took couple. I promise it'll never happen again. She kisses him. "I never wanted you to feel like that" She hold him close, he starts crying again. She just holds him like a baby. Eventually they get up and head to bed. They sleep all day until it is time to perform, Mac rolls a zoot and gently wakes him up "Baby you gotta be on stage in an hour" She gently kisses him, he pulls her on top, without missing a beat slips his dick in, She rides him, small moans leave his lips. He smiles up at her, guiding her hips with his heads. She feels him finish, she flops on the bed next to him. He kisses her cuddling up to her, she hands him the zoot. "Baby?"

"Yeah boo?"

" I love you and I'm really sorry baby" She kisses him, resting her head on his chest

"I love you too babygirl, I know. It scared me but I know you didn't mean to boo" He kisses again before getting out of bed to get ready for the show.

Mac calms down for the rest of the tour, she never wanted Peep to feel the way she felt when she thought she had lost him. She just sits back and lets Peep enjoy the tour. The more tour progresses the more she seems him getting burnt out and people are asking more and more of him.

MackieRichRich this is my husband

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MackieRichRich this is my husband. He gives his everything to everyone. To his music, to his friends, to me and especially to his fans. Please please I know y'all wanna to say hi and be friendly but if you see us late at night or early morning please give us some space. He is burnt out and needs a rest. He loves you all but we are taking a breather from socials❤️

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