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Christmas comes and goes, it was the longest time the pair spent apart from each other. In no time at all they were back at each other's side.  Mac is working more and more shows in this busy holiday period, Gus is so proud of all her hard work, with a tour coming up he's thinking about asking her to come along with her hopefully she will be able to.  He watches as she gets ready for another show, she is wearing his beemer boy tee tied up in a knot at the front. Putting on her Jordan's she kisses him and leaves for the Good Charlotte show.  Gus is going to be hanging out with the boys tonight, walking into the main space he sees J and Tracy on the phone inviting people over for a party. He sighs, after what happened before Christmas partying is not as appealing as it use to be but he can't say no to anyone. He always wants to please people. More and more people arrive he can feel his anxiety kicking looking at the xanny pills in his draw. The thought becomes tempting but he promised Mac that he wouldn't do pills anymore, he doesn't want to break this promise. His thought train is broken when his bedroom door burst open. People pile into his room.

"Here you are Peep we been looking for you" Goth hands him a tray with lines of coke on it. Well he's not breaking his promise by doing coke. He takes the tray and sniffs all the lines up. "Dude that was like 6 lines"

The coke doesn't help, his anxiety is getting worse he wants everyone to leave his room but doesn't want to kick them out. He wants to be everyone's everything.  Another person enters his room, he turns to look at the door. Layla is standing there in a short skirt and big heeled boots.

"Get out now. Leave this fucking loft" he pushes her out of his room.  He watches her leave the loft. He walks back to the living room, he sits down on the sofa watching his loft fill with people he doesn't know, all he wants is to be cuddled up with Mac and a zoot right now. People keep handing him drinks and drugs. He takes them hoping it'll help with the anxiety, he walks back to his bedroom hoping to call Mac if she's got a second. He sees Layla laying on his bed. "Are you fucking kidding me?? Get out whore" he drags her out of his room. He sits on the bed starting to cry he grabs his phone.

Gus🎃 is calling
Accept | Decline

Mac answers through her car.
"Hey baby you ok?" She can hear Gus sniffing his nose as if he's been crying. "Baby what's wrong?" She can hear him crying now.

"Can you come home please baby. I don't feel me again" her heart breaks hearing him like this.

"I'm nearly home boo. I love you" he hangs the phone up. She speeds home. Getting up to the loft she can hear another party is happening in the loft. She rolls her eyes remembering the last time she was out and this happened. She rushes into their bedroom. Gus is sitting in the corner crying trying to hide from people.  Sitting down next to him, putting her arm around him pulling him in for a cuddle. He cry's into her chest "Baby what's wrong?"

"I want everyone to leave. I want to cuddle in bed" he cuddles up her. She can see he is nervous about something.

"Baby you want to stay at my flat tonight?" She asks him. Not knowing how she can kick all these people out.

"No I don't want people to take my things, baby please kick them out" she can hear the fear in his voice.

"Ok ok baby" she kisses his head getting up off the floor.  Not knowing how she is going to do this. She walks into the main space seeing how many people are actually in their loft right now. She walks over to the speaker and pulls the power cable. The music stops suddenly everyone stares at her. "OK FUCKWITS PARTY IS OVER. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME BUT YOU NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" Gus can hear her from their room, laughing to himself it sounds like when they first met all those months ago. People complain as they start to leave, she sees the back of a girl who looks like Layla but she wouldn't be stupid enough to come here would she? Walking back to their room she sees Gus has gotten into bed and has a zoot in his mouth. She smiles at him getting ready for bed, climbing over him to her space next to the wall, she pulls him in for a cuddle taking the blunt of his mouth putting in her own.  She strokes his pink locks which have grown out a lot now. "Are you ok now baby?" He nods comfy where he is. She continues to strokes his hair. "Why don't we do your hair tomorrow? Change it up a bit babe? How about half pink and half black?"

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now