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The actions of Joey were long in the past now as the couple moved forward stronger than ever, the two are obsessed with each other and everyone around them knew it. They were soulmate, they just clicked, thoughts & actions were similar. The issue with this is that they have all the good traits of each other but along with it came their demons. Both being stubborn as hell and having a vicious temper, never knowing when to back down from an argument. Although their arguments never last long and are far and few between they were brutal when they did. That what you get when you spend so much time with someone, eventually their work started to cross over as Mac started a new job as an Event Manager for a big firm in LA who are looking to branch out into the music scene, Gus didn't like her working out so late given what had just happened with Joey and the fact the police can't seem to find him anyway but he bites his lip every time trying to be more supportive of his girls career. She started to throw boys favours, getting them booked at least once a week to bring awareness to the amazing music they were producing. It is 25/10/2014, Mac and Tracy have gone out shopping for Peeps 18th birthday and big Halloween party. His two favourite things Halloween and Himself, They walk into a custom jewellery store, looking at the overtop diamond pendants, Mac thinks she has found the perfect gift.

"What do you think to this one?" She points at a iced out Rick pendant. They have been watching a lot of Rick and Morty, she knows how much he loves the show.

Tracy peers over the glass "Yes, he would literally die. He will love that" The sales assistant comes over.

"Hi what is the wait time on this one" The sales assistant walks over to the computer to check. "So I've got my brother and his band coming, along with Posty to the party as another little surprise. Posty said he would play. I've also got him a chain bracelet with my initials on it, my birthday and the date we met. He kept saying he wanted one but it'll go with the necklace cause it got diamonds on the clasp. And I've got a cake ordered from that place he loves downtown" The sales assistant walks back over.

"We've actually got three in stock if you would to like to purchase it today" Mac nods her head, the woman goes walking off again to box it up.

"Do you think I should get his Mom out? We haven't met yet but he says they talk a lot" She asks Tracy while paying for the necklace, they leave the store.

"Nah, a party wouldn't really be Liza's scene. I know Peep wants to go home for thanksgiving maybe you could with? given the fact your family don't celebrate"

"Was it my very English accent that gave it away? or My Dad?" The both laugh as they walk into a clothing store.

"Have you told Peep who your Dad is?"

Mac shakes her head "No, I'm nervous, it only ever goes two ways, they use me for my money and family or they are so intimidated by him they run for the hills. Things are going so well after the Joey thing I don't want to throw something in there" She picks ups a black trapper hat with white fur and tries it on they laugh. "I know he'll love this" She picks up a couple crazy ed hardy tees as well for him and pays. "Oh did I tell you the best present I got him?" She is literally bouncing on the spot. Tracy shakes his head "I got him that Sid Vicious tee that was being auctioned off the other day. The pink one"

"He will 100% marry you on the spot. I think Peep will be pretty cool with it. I mean him and your brother are besties, You've got other celeb friends. Trust him with it" She just nods at the very valid points Trace is making.

"When did you get so wise? I can see Malika rubbing off on you" The pair laugh as they can back in Mac's car. They drive off to a party store to get joke things for his surprise party.

"So what is the plan? Because you know what he's like, he wants to know everything" Trace asks.

"So On halloween we are getting tattooed together and then I've told him that Posty is doing a super secretive halloween night show and I've got us all on the guest list. Y'all are gonna be there already and I'll bring him, Then Surprise! then we all get drunk. Then the next day on his birthday I'll give him his gifts and I got him one of those like day racing things. Then I thought maybe we could go for a meal as a group? That sushi place he loves so much. The prolly party so more" The pair laugh, as she makes an order for balloons. They got him a birthday boy hat and badge just to embarrass him some more. Getting back in the car they check they've got everything need, Mac quickly drops it off at her place before they drive back to the loft. "Oh you are in charge of drugos" Trace just laughs as he's already got this sorted. As they walk in they can hear Gus recording in the empty space, his voice fills her with happiness, she drops her bag in his bedroom and walks into the makeshift recording studio. She leans on the doorframe, smiling at him while he sings, he finally notices her a huge smile spreads across he finishes record his new song gym class and runs over to her.

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