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"MAC YOUR PHONE IS RINGING" Gus shouts from the kitchen

"CAN YOU ANSWER IT?! I'M SHOWERING" She shouts back. 

He shrugs "Hello, Mac's phone. This her boyfriend Gus she's busy right now" He answer the phone

"Afternoon Gus, This is detective Ruiz , Ms Carlton asked me to phone as we have found who murdered Malika and the trial will start in a few weeks" 

"Oh that's good you found the guy. Who was it?" 

"It was a Mr Joseph Victor"

Peeps jaw drops "Joey?!" 

"Yes, when we were questioning him he informed his the ex-partner of Ms Richards, we can see from his record there is currently an arrest out for domestic assault against Ms Richards. He told us that he was actually on the way to your loft to find Ms Richards when Malika interrupted him at the store. Please can you get Mac to ring me back we need her to make a statement at the trial" 

Peep stands there in shock at what he's being told "Yeah sure I will. Thank you Detective" He hangs up the phone as Mac walks into the kitchen.

"You ok baby? Who was on the phone?" She grabs a Redbull out of the fridge. Peep doesn't say anything, she takes a sip of drink "baby?" She clicks her fingers in his face. 

"That was the Detective, they found who killed Malika" He is still standing there in shock. Mac nods as she drinks "It was Joey. He said that Joey admitted he was making a stop before coming to get you but he was scared off when you were in the store and made a run" Mac drops her drink on the floor, She doesn't know how to react. He grabs her shoulders shaking her "Baby?"

"It was Joey?" She looks up at him with tears in her eyes "He killed my Malika?" Gus nods. 

"They need you to make a statement at the trial baby. Dect. Ruiz needs you to call him back" She just nods, grabbing her phone off the counter, she calls Shay. They talk for what felt like hours about what they just found out. Both girls are still in shock at the fact that Joey killed Malika. Gus cleans up the mess in the kitchen and then  just watches her from the couch walking up and down the living room. Scared she is going runoff and do something stupid. She finally hangs up the phone and rings the Dect. back. after 20 minutes she sits next to him. "Are you ok boo?" 

"Urm yeah, I'm in shock. Urm I have to be in court in 3 weeks, they think it is going to be a quick trial because of all the evidence they have. Will you come with me baby?" 

"Yeah of course boo" He pulls her in for a cuddle and kisses her. Thoughts run through his head, Imagine if she had never gone to the store or if she been running late. Joey could of killed them both. He could lost Mac as well. He snaps out of that way of thinking "Baby the boys are coming over. Do you want me to tell them not too?"

"Baby can we just order food and watch films? Maybe they can come over later tonight?" 

"Yeah of course baby. I'll call them" He kisses her again as she puts a film on. Gus calls Dylan telling him what happened. They all understand and say they will wait for him to call them. The pair sit and watch Mac's favourite films all evening, not saying much all just enjoying each other company eventually she falls asleep in his arms and he carries her off to bed. For one night the guys will survive without him she needs him more than ever now, he climbs into bed cuddling her until he falls asleep. 

The next day Mac wakes up after a heavy sleep, Peep isn't next to her. She walks out to the living room seeing Peep sitting there with the guys. 

"Oh hey baby. Did you sleep ok?" She sits on his lap kissing him. 

"Yeah really well baby, sorry about last night. I was no fun" He kisses her again.

"Don't be silly boo. Listen to this" He presses play on his newest mixtape. She sits there listening to 3 songs, it's really good. "What do you think I should call it?" 

"I love those, They are really good baby. Call it Hellboy" She giggles to herself "It is your fave film why not?"

"I love that! I got to finish 2 more songs and the album is complete" He grins up at her. She kisses him helping him with the last two songs throughout the day. By the end of the day Gus has got his first full album finished and ready to post. "Ok guys we ready?" The group nod at him and he presses post on SoundCloud. She watches him as he gets excited over his first album, She loves it when he gets this excited over music. 

"You wanna get sushi baby?" She kisses him and he nods "Come on then. We are gonna get some dinner guys. See you in a bit" Peep passes her her bag and they leave. It is the first alone time they've had in weeks since moving into the new house. "I love you Gus. Thank you for the support these past few days. It's mean a lot to me"

"I love you too Mac, You're my fiancé its my job" He winks at her when he calls her that word. Still sends shivers down her spine. 

"Oh I love it when you call me that" She rubs her her foot up his leg. 

They enjoy a lovely meal at their favourite restaurant. When they get back to the house everyone has left, Gus goes into the kitchen to grab a drink when he turns around Mac is standing in the middle of the kitchen completely naked. His jaw drops, he licks his lips. He picks her up over his shoulder carry her off to their bedroom, she giggle the whole way there. He throws her down on the bed, she bites her lip at him driving him crazy. He flips her over on all fours, she pulls a vile of coke from under the pillow. She takes a bump off her pinky before handing it to him. He shakes some on to her ass, sniffing it up. He slips his dick into her, going straight in hard and fast, pulling her hair back. He puts his hand around her throat he hears quietly giggle. Moans start to escape her lips, not caring who hears her she moans louder and louder and he get faster. He feels her finishing over him, swiftly he follows. They lay on the bed next each other panting, sweat dripping off their bodies. 

"Oh that was really good baby" She laughs to herself still panting. He hands her a zoot. 

"I have a good partner" They laugh again high fiving she hands the zoot back, he watches as the smoke escapes her plump lips.

"I have a good partner" They laugh again high fiving she hands the zoot back, he watches as the smoke escapes her plump lips

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LilPeep Throw me on the floor girl, make me sweat, Scratch my back, make me bleed

Tagged MackieRichRich


MackieRichRich Give me a minute to recover from the last one 😏

LilPeep I'm counting 😏

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