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Mac wakes up on a sunny April morning, her phone buzzes off the hook, picking it up the bright light of her screen blinding her she can see Shayna calling her constantly. Confused on why Shay would be phoning while she was in work. She scroll through the notifications, shocked when she reads Tracy and Peep have left Schema and joined GBC. J has left the loft, she is so confused on what is happening right now, looking over at where Peep normally sleeps, he is not there, she can hear people talking in the kitchen. She climbs out of bed, walking out to the kitchen. She can see Peep talking to Dylan and some other guys, Peep notices her walking over to them. 

"Morning boo" He kisses her, putting his arm around her carry on his conversation with Dylan and Wicca. He turns to her "Did you hear the good news?" He smiles at her. 

"Yeah I did baby, Shay rang me 100 times. You kicked J out?" She looks at him concerned with the decision he has made. 

"Well he decided to leave, as I'm no longer part of the crew he didn't want live with us anymore" She pulls him to one side. 

"Baby are you sure this is the right decision?" She whispers to him "J helped you out when you were struggling. He believed when no one else did" 

"Boo I'm sure, trust me they are smaller crew. I'm going to get so much more notice now" He kisses her "Trust me baby"

"Ok hunny. Thought you would of talked to me about it at least" She pouts

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't think too I thought it was a clear decision"  He kisses her "I promise in the future I'll discuss any decision with you" He kisses her again and joins the conversation again, She trails behind him grabbing his hand. 

Sh squeezes it "I support you baby, whatever decision you ever make" He mouths Thank you. "Hey I think we met before but I'm Mac" She introduces herself to Wicca again. She heads back to their bedroom to get ready for a meeting with Posty and his team. She puts on her boots which she is still in love with, heading back into the kitchen to grab a redbull before she goes into the city. "Ok I'm going out babe" She leans down resting her hand on his chest and kisses him. "I'll be back this afternoon. I'll make brownies" she winks at him, kissing him again. She says bye to the boys and leaves for the day. Driving into the city she's got no idea what this meeting is about, Posty just called her up a few days ago asking to meet with his team. She pulls into the recording studio parking lot, She can see Post's car down the lot. Good he's already here she won't need to wait too long. She enters the studio, walking into the reception "Hi, I'm here for a meeting with Post Malone. Mackenzie Richards" She hands over her ID, Pushing her sunglasses onto the top of her head. The receptionist points to the studio down the hall, Mac goes walking off she slowly the pushes door open. Posts face lights up when he see's her. She sits down in one of the empty chair as he finishes recording a song. He walks out of the booth greeting her. "Dude that was good. Is that for the new album?"

"Yeah, glad you like it. So I bet you're wondering why I called you here" She nods "Well I know you're a brilliant stage manager and tour manager. So I've got a tour coming up and My tour manager has just got married, He is on honeymoon right now and I was wondering if you would come out on tour just for like 2 weeks? 3 max. It would be in the states, not much travelling just until Kyle meets us in Tulsa. Pretty please Mac I need your bossy bitch attitude on my tour" He bats his eyelids at her and they laugh. 

"Let me think about it? I want to talk to Peep about it" She informs him

"Ok deal, Give you till end of the week? by the way we leave in 2 weeks" He smiles at her forgetting that small detail. 

"Deal. Can I stay while you record?" She asks him, not really wanting to go back to the loft at the moment with all those strangers there. She is still kinda pissed at Peep for not talking to her about joining GBC. She knows he is an adult who can make his own decisions but they are a team, she talks to him about all her decisions.  

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