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"I thought you were going to a party with the girls tonight?" Gus asks her

"This is the party I was going to, Tracy is trying to mack Malika, I think tonight is his lucky night to be honest" She points towards the sofa with her cup, he turns around to see Malika sitting on the arm of the couch and Tracy rubbing her thigh as they speak. "Tracy was like my first friend I met out here when I moved here permanently. He like my brother. I'm guessin' you're the amazing rapper he talks about" Mac winks at him, Gus gets all shy around her, He puts his arm around her and they walk over to the rest of their friends. 

"Trace this is the girl I was telling you about" Peep proudly shows off Mac to Tracy like he doesn't already know who she is. 

"Nah fuck off. She my girl out here" Malika makes a noise behind him "One that I would never mack she my sister. You my girl girl Malik" He kisses her check. 

Mac can feel Peep's hand in her back pocket, she slaps it and pull the baggie from her bra "Is that what you're looking for?" She winks at her 

"Nah girl I just wanted to squeeze this" He squeeze her butt, then tries to get the bag from hand, she moves her hand and the runs out the back door "Nah mami" And chases after her. 

"Those two are so cute" Malika snuggles into Tracy.

Mac runs out into the garden and proceeds to run around the garden with Peep chasing her, he tackles her to the ground and leans over her. She manages to flip him over and ends up on top, she kisses him swiftly and then jumps off running back into the house onto one of the bedrooms. It happened to the one where Nay is making up with some tatted dude, Peep tackles on to the bed landing on top of them. Nay pushes them onto the ground, Mac manages to get up off the ground and she runs out again, into the second bedroom. Peep follow her, she stands on the bed. 

"You're done for it now baby" He shuts the door behind him and tackles her onto the empty bed "Gimme gimme" he grasps for the baggie in her hand. 

"Kiss first please" She pout her lips and with her one free hand points to her mouth. He plants a kiss on her, true to her word she flips over and racks 4 lines on the bedside table. She hands him a rolled up ten. 

"Hey this is one I gave you the other day, you kept it?" He sounded surprised she would keep something like that. 

"Yeah I put a soda can thing round it so it stays rolled, My little piece of you and I swear my lucky charm because that was the best festival I ever ran." She kisses him again before he sniffs up 2 lines and hands her rolled up ten. 

"Babygirl you always got me" He kisses her cheek as she sniffs up, they leave the room together arms around each other. 

"Ew did you two just fuck in my room?" Tracy exclaims from the sofa were Malika is laying on top of him.

"Nah bro, we just sniffed some coke and that it" He kisses her head. Mac turns around to get them both another drink as her buzzes in her pocket. It buzzes again and again. She eventually pulls it out and it's Joey trying to call her.  She blocks the number and puts her back in her pocket. Walking back to the group she hands Peep the cup. "You ok mami? You look nervous" Mac just smiles and nods at him. She walks outside for a smoke and Peep follows her.  "Babe you can smoke inside. What is going on boo?"

Mac starts to tear up, Peep wipes away the tear "I feel stupid for feeling like this and crying over this. But Joey just tried to call again off a new number. I am scared he is going to find me" More tears escapes her eyes, Peep wipes them away and then pulls her into a tight cuddle. He kisses her head again. He then cups her head in his hands.

Ghost Girl // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now