Toxic Parents

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I'm currently sitting in my room. My back hurts so much. They really did a number on me this time. They hit me with a belt 57 times in total and then Father punched me in the stomach twice. 

I was then sent to my room where I will be locked in here until tomorrow morning. I'm being starved for the rest of the day and finally I'm grounded for the rest of the week.

I sigh and lay down on my stomach. I'm sure this is abuse but no one does anything about it because no one knows about it, well except Jin-hyung. And even if I tried to tell people, they would believe the King and Queen over the Prince. Then that would lead me to get punished again and I don't want that. So I always keep my mouth shut and take the beatings.

I wish my parents wouldn't beat me so badly, but that is just a hopeless dream.

Jungkook POV:
I woke up feeling horrible. My body hurts so much like more than it usually does after my punishments. I sat up and groaned. My back hurts so bad. I think I need to call Jin-hyung.

I slowly walked over to the telephone, in that's in my room and dialed Jin-hyung's number. Thank god, they decided not to take the phone out of my room. I pray for him to pick up and be free enough to come help me.

"Hello?" I heard him say after the second ring.

"Hi Hyung." I say into the phone.

"Jungkook? What's wrong, baby?" He asked me.

"Hyung, my back really hurts this time. Can you come and check me out please?" I tell him while holding my hurt back.

"Did they hit you again?! For what reason now?" He asked angrily.

"Well, I was late to training and made my dad wait because I was out with Jimin-hyung and Hobi-hyung. But Wan-ssi canceled it, so I thought that I wouldn't have at all yesterday, but I was wrong. Apparently when Wan-ssi cancels, my dad takes it over. But I didn't know that because no one told me." I tell him. 

"Oh my God, I swear, Jungkook, I'm going to hurt them." He said while breathing heavily.

"No, please don't. I know what they do is bad but they are still my parents." I beg him.

"Jungkook, you need to realize that you are better off without them. Beating you for every little wrong you do is not love or being a caring parent. How many times did they hit you this time anyways?" He said, very angered.

"Um…" was all I said.

"Jungkook-ah." He said sternly.

"15 times with the belt and I'm grounded for the rest of the week." I say sadly, lying to him.

"Oh my God! All that for being late to a practice?!?" He screamed in anger.

"Yes… since I'm grounded you're going to need to sneak in through the window." I tell him.

"Ok, be there in 10 minutes, ok?" He said while grabbing things.

"Ok thank you, Hyung." I say before he hangs up.

I put down the phone and go back to my bed. I lay down and get as comfortable as I can with my hurting back. I, finally after 8 minutes of trying, got comfortable when…

"Jungkook!" I hear as my Father bursted through my door.

"Yes, Pa?" I ask him.

"Why aren't you downstairs for breakfast? We are all waiting for you!" He yelled at me.

"I'm sorry, Pa." I say kinda scared.

"Be downstairs in 5 minutes or you're going to wish yourself another punishment." He said with a scoff and slammed the door as he walked out.

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