Bunny's Punishment

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"Listen to your father, Jungkook. Or do you want to be punished?" Sooyoung said to him.

"No, I don't. I will listen, Father and Mother." Jungkook said sadly before he left the room and headed back outside to his Hyung.

"Judging by the way your face looks and the way you are walking. I'm guessing the answer was 'no', correct?" Jimin said to Jungkook.

"Yea. Sorry, Hyung." Jungkook said while sitting down next to the Chick-fairy-human hybrid.

"It's fine, Kookie. It's not your fault, it was your parents decision not yours." Jimin said while petting Jungkook's head.

"I wish they would let go of the past, Hyung. They don't let me go out because of something that happened 18 years ago. When I was 4 and I'm 22 now." Jungkook said and then sighed.

"It'll be ok, Kook. I have to go now, but tomorrow me and Hobi-hyung will be here, ok?" Jimin said while standing up.

"Ok, Hyung. See you tomorrow." Jungkook said as he watched his Hyung walk away.

Once his Hyung was out of sight, Jungkook sighed. He stood up and walked to his room, where he cried himself to sleep. All he's ever wanted was to see the world beyond their kingdom, but he knew that, that would never happen.

Jungkook POV:
I woke up in a great mood. Both Jimin-hyung and Hobi-hyung were coming over today. I was very excited to see them.

I get up and head into the bathroom. I used the toilet, brushed my teeth and then took a shower. I usually sing in the shower, but I'm afraid that I might wake up Ma and Pa. They hate being woken up early unless it's an emergency and me singing isn't an emergency and will get me punished.

I finished in the shower and just dry my hair with the towel in fear of waking up Ma and Pa. I get dressed and walk down the many stairs and into the dining room. The workers bow at me and I bow back shyly.

"It's about time you came down here, Jungkook." I heard Pa say.

"Oh, I'm sorry for making you wait, Pa." I say bowing at him.

"It's ok, we weren't waiting here for that long. But come here Jungkook." Ma said.

I walked over to her and she pulled me down by my collar "What the hell is wrong with your hair? It's a mess!" She whisper-yells.

"No, my apologies for this. I thought you and Pa were still sleeping, so I decided to not use the loud hair dryer and wake you two." I say to her.

She smiled and so did Pa "How considerate. But we are awake now, so go properly dry your hair, ok sweety." Ma said to me.

"Yes, Ma." I say as I bow and go back upstairs to dry my hair.

Once I got to my room, I shivered. It's very scary just how they can change like that. They can be really mean and rude to me one second and nice and loving the next. They are truly the definition of two-faced people. I think they hate me, I mean they punish me for everything and the punishments are bad.

But, who am I to question their ways of discipline. I sigh and turn on the hair dryer to quickly dry my hair. I finished after 2 minutes and I looked in the mirror to make sure that my hair is nice and neat. Then I run back downstairs and into the dining room.

I looked at my parents and they are smiling at me, which is always a good sign. I bow to them and take my seat at the table. Just in time because breakfast was now being served.

After breakfast, I got up and started to run outside to meet up with the Hyungs. We were going to go to the arcade down the street. But before I got out of the dining room…

"Jungkook!" Pa called me.

"Yes, Pa?" I ask as I walk over to him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked me.

"To the arcade with Jimin-hyung and Hobi-hyung." I answered him.

"Oh right, you did tell us that." Pa said.

I nodded and tried to walk out the room again.

"Jungkook, that is not how we raised you to leave a room." Ma said.

I turned around and bowed at them "I'll be leaving now, Ma. Pa." I say to them.

"That's better. Now you may go." She said as she waved me off.

I bowed again and ran out the front doors and saw the Hyungs waiting for me. I smiled and hugged them.

"Hi, Hyungs!" I say excitedly.

"Hi, Kook." My Chick-fairy friend said with a smile.

"Hey, Kookie." My Horse-phoenix friend said with a bright smile.

"How are you guys?" I ask.

"I'm great. How are you?" They say in unison, making all of us laugh.

"I'm good, Hyungies. Ready?" I ask. They nod. "Well let's go. Let's get it!" I said as we started walking down the street.

We got to the arcade and everyone stopped and bowed at me. I get really shy with all the attention on me. I just bowed back at them and grabbed my Hyungs' hands and quickly pulled them to our usual spot 

"Jungkook, you are going to be their King soon and you still have a fear of people staring at you?" Jimin-hyung asked.

Hobi-hyung scoffs "Jimin, don't be stupid. His parents never exposed him to this type of stuff, they never exposed him to anything, so it's perfectly normal to be like this." He said while sitting down at the table.

"Yea, I guess so." Jimin-hyung said while making a weird face and rubbing his chin. 

The weird face made me and Hobi-hyung giggle at him. I love these two very much. If it wasn't for them and Yugeom, I would only have one friend, Jin-hyung, who I don't get to see a lot anymore and I would be bored. 

After registering in, we went back into the game room and played games for who knows how long. We only stopped playing when we heard people saying 'it's the Queen'. We turned around and saw my mother coming towards us, looking angry.

"Why are you still here?" She asked sternly. 

"What do you mean, Ma?" I ask her.

She sighs "You have training today, Jungkook." She told me with annoyance in her voice.

"But Wan-ssi said it was canceled today." I say to her.

"Just because he said it was canceled, doesn't mean it's actually canceled. Your Father is waiting for you at home to train you. Now come on." She said as she grabbed my arm and dragged out the building.

I didn't get to say goodbye to my Hyungs. She just dragged me out with all of her personal guards following us.

"And don't think that you won't be punished for this because you will. You dare make your King, your Father, wait? Disrespectful." She said as she walked faster to the castle.

Time skip~~

I'm currently sitting in my room. My back hurts so much. They really did a number on me this time. They hit me with a belt 57 times in total and then Father punched me in the stomach twice. 

I was then sent to my room where I will be locked in here until tomorrow morning. I'm being starved for the rest of the day and finally I'm grounded for the rest of the week.

I sigh and lay down on my stomach. I'm sure this is abuse but no one does anything about it because no one knows about it, well except Jin-hyung. And even if I tried to tell people, they would believe the King and Queen over the Prince. Then that would lead me to get punished again and I don't want that. So I always keep my mouth shut and take the beatings.

I wish my parents wouldn't beat me so badly, but that is just a hopeless dream.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. Sorry for slow updates because I work during to week. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

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