The council

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"Ok, Jungkook. Just please be safe." He tells me.

"Ok, Hyung. Thanks for patching me up." I say with a bunny smile.

Jin-hyung smiles back "Anytime, Baby Boy. I need to go now. Bye bye." He said as he started to climb out the window.

"Bye, Hyung." I say.

And with that, he was gone and was back to doing nothing because I was on punishment. I was once again bored. I pulled out my sketchbook and pencils, and started to draw.

Forest pictures

It was the forest and a pond just as how I remembered it. When I'm King, I'll go and explore the world. Also when I'm a father, I'll never do this to my child. Ever.

Jungkook POV:
"Jungkook-ah!" I hear being screamed. It woke me out of my sleep because it was the voice of my mother.

I quickly looked at my clock. 5:36 AM. Good, so I'm not late. But why am I being called then? I quickly got up, got dressed and brushed my teeth. Then I ran downstairs to where my Mother was waiting for me.

"Yes, Ma?" I ask as I reach her.

"Oh, Jungkook. Nice of you to join us. You see this is the council people. They have come to check out our kingdom to see if we are still following the rules. Say hello." Ma said politely to me.

I turned towards the council men and women and bowed at them. "Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook. It is a pleasure to meet you, council men and women." I say with a big smile.

"No, it is our pleasure to meet you, Prince Jungkook." I'm guessing the head council-man said while they all bowed. I bowed back after.

"Ok, Jungkook, you may go back to whatever you were doing. Council members come with me, I'll show you around." Ma said

I was about to go back upstairs when a hand grabbed my arm. I looked back and see a council lady standing there, looking at me with concern.

"Is that how your parents raised you?" The lady asked.

"Yes, ma'am, it is." I answered.

"Jungkook, do your parents ever hit you?" She asked.

"No, never." I lied. Thank God that I'm good at lying.

"Ok, here's my number." She said to me while handing me her number "Call me if anything happens, ok?"

I nod and head back upstairs to my room. I flopped down onto my bed and sighed. That was close. She almost found out.

"Why didn't you say something?" My bunny, Dakota, asked me.

"Yea, her founding out would've been a good thing." My angel, Charlie, said.

"Because what if they didn't believe us? You both remember what happened last time we tried to say something." I say back.

They were about to say something but my door opened and then I quickly cut them off and went back to reality. You see I'm not allowed to talk to them even though they are a part of me. When I ask or try to talk to them, I get punished.

"Jungkook!" My Father called out.

"Yes, Pa?" I say to him.

"I saw that council-woman talking to you. What did she say?" He asked in a demanding manner.

"She asked me if that's how you guys raised me." I tell him.

"And what did you say." He asked.

"I said 'yes ma'am'." I say to him.

"Ok, anything else?" He asked me with a scary look.

Now I had a decision to make. I do tell him the truth and risk being punished or not tell him the truth and risk being punished. I decided on the second one.

"Nothing else happened. She said that she liked how behaved I was and then walked away." I tell him.

"Oh ok. Well good job. Because if you told her one of your lies about us abusing you, you would be in big trouble. Hear me?" Pa said sternly.

"Yes, Pa." I answered

"Good." He said before walking out of the room.

I layed back on my bed. Gosh that was a close one. I looked at my nightstand and grabbed the phone number on it. I stared at it deeply.

"Maybe I should call her and tell her about my parents." I thought.

"Yes, you should." Dakota said

"I agree." Charlie said.

"No!" My conscience said "The last time you said something, you got the living shit beaten out of you! I'm trying to stop that from happening again."

"Jungkook, don't listen to him. She'll believe you." Dakota said.

"Yea, I mean she was the one who asked you." Charlie said.

I sat it back down on the nightstand. I don't know what to do. I mean Dakota and Charlie do have a point, but so does my conscience. I don't want to be in this situation anymore, but I also don't want to risk getting beaten if I don't have to.

If I say something, what happens to my parents? I don't want them to get hurt, but I just want them to stop punishing me. That worries me.

"Wait, they beat you all the time, but you are still worried about them?" Dakota asked.

"Yes because no matter what, they still my parents. Our parents." I tell him.

"But they hurt you. And hurt us when we try to find out what our powers are. They are bad people." Charlie said.

"I know but... *sigh* I just don't know guys. Just let me think, ok? Thanks." I say before they disappear.

I can't decide. Do I safe myself and lose my parents or do I continue to put up with it and keep them? I pull at my hair. What do I do!?!

"You'll make the right decision, Jungkook. My dear." I hear a sweet and soothing voice of a woman say.

I look around my room. "Hello?" I say but get no response.

"Who was that?" I think to myself. She sounded familiar, but from where was the question.

"You'll find out soon, my child." The voice said again.

Who was that? And why did she call me her child?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

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