I want you

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Jungkook was in heat. Taehyung could feel that Jungkook was in heat and it was driving him crazy. He wanted nothing more than to go over and fuck him until Jungkook was full off his babies, but he couldn't yet because he respected Jungkook's wishes.


"Um... my heat is coming on soon... and I want you to help me through it... and impregnate me." Jungkook told Taehyung while looking up at him.

"Really?" Taehyung said, shocked.

"Yea, in about 4 days... I want you to have me this time." Jungkook said blushing a little bit.

"Wait, what?!" Taehyung said shocked while looking into Jungkook's azure blue eyes.

"I want you to impregnate me during my heat, Taehyung." Jungkook while looking back into Taehyung's scarlet red eyes.

"Kook, are you sure? We can wait if you're not ready. You don't have to do this to please me." Taehyung assured Jungkook.

"No, I want to. All I ask is that you wait until the last day of my heat, so that my parents don't get suspicious. Me being heat one day and not the next when I'm supposed to be is very suspicious. Also no marking or hickeys please, for my parents' sake. Well not yet at least." Jungkook told Taehyung.

"I understand and I'll wait." Taehyung said to Jungkook.

"Thank you. I have to go now before they notice that I'm gone." Jungkook said to Taehyung.

"Ok, baby. Let's go."Taehyung said before grabbing Jungkook's waist and pulling him into a kiss and teleported them back to Jungkook's room at the same time.

They valued this time very much because with Jungkook not being allowed out and Jungkook's parents hating Taehyung's kind, they don't get to see each other a lot. But when they do, it is magical.

End of flashback~~

Taehyung POV:
I was currently sitting in my room, bouncing my leg rapidly. Today was the day, the last day of Jungkook's heat. I could feel just how strong it was affecting him. I couldn't take it, I knew that he needed me and I knew that I needed him.

I'm surprised I lasted the whole week. I was taking everything in me, my tiger, and my demon to not just go and fuck him. It's different from the past times because Jungkook wasn't ready so we weren't going to do anything. But now, we know he's ready and wants us to fuck him, and we are losing control.

"Taehyung? What's wrong with you?" Bogum says to me.

"Don't talk to me. Go away." I say coldly to him.

"Woah, man. I'm just trying to help." Bogum said while holding hands up in defense.

"Well, you're not. Now go away." I say angrily, while turning and looking at him with dark red eyes. My eyes go dark red when I'm very angry or about to lose control.

"Ok, but just know I'm always here if you wanna talk. I hope you feel better, Tae." He said, kinda scared while walking out the room.

"I want him now." I hear my tiger say with a mean tone.

"No, you don't want him. You need him. We all do." I hear my demon growl afterwards.

"Calm down, you two. It's already starting to get dark, so that means we can go soon. Just hold on until then. For our mate." I say to them.

They growl in agreement. I don't blame them for being like this, I'm like that too. I just need to hide it, so people, my parents, won't be asking me who my mate is. We just needed to wait a little bit longer.

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