Trying Again

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Jungkook POV
I wake up in a hospital bed feeling awful. My head hurt, my body hurt, hell my hurts hurt. I slowly sit up and stretch out. I was surprised by the head that popped up when I moved.

"Jungkook, are you ok?" He asked me, very concerned.

I pat his hair "Taehyung, I'm fine. Just some aches. So you, that demon, and that tiger of yours can calm down now." I tell him.

He gets up and gets into bed with me. Then he hugs me tightly. 

"Taehyung, what are you doing?" I ask him.

"I'm calming us down. Your scent calms us down the quickest." He said while taking a deep breath into my neck.

I smiled and just hugged my big baby Tiger-Demon. "I love you." I say to him.

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know." He tells me. I smiled more and he pulled me down into a kiss.

"I see Jungkook is better now." Jin-hyung's voice said.

I nod and hug Taehyung tighter. Jin-hyung is starting to show now, it's cute. He came over and checked me out before he left.

"Hey, Tae?" I say.

"Yes, Kookie?" He said.

"What's today's date?" I ask.

"Um… Wednesday, December 23rd. Why?" He asked.

"Ah, my heat should be coming on soon. Just in time for your birthday actually." I say while looking at him.

Taehyung teased up and gulped. "Your. Heat?" He asked me to confirm.

"Yep." I say while leaning down to his ear "I might just have to give you me as a present. All night long." 

He teases up even more and growls at that. I chuckled and relaxed in the bed. We'll see.

Time skip to December 30th~

Ever since the tiny war, the Angel-Bunnies and Tiger-Demons have been good friends. We moved past our differences and are actually getting along which is good.

Right now, most of the Angel-Bunnies are at the Tiger-Demon's kingdom celebrating their future King's, Taehyung's, birthday. We're all having a great time.

My heat was supposed to start 3 days ago, but never came. I was worried that something was wrong that made it not come. I was walking around looking for Taehyung when I felt it.

My gut turned in nuts like it usually does when I'm about to go into heat. I grasped and ran upstairs to Taehyung's room. I didn't want everyone to see that.

Thank Moon Goddess I'm fast because right when I got to his room and closed the door, I whimpered and fell to the ground as my heat started in full force. Oh Goddess, his room is making it worse, his scent is everywhere. Please find me soon, Taehyung.

Taehyung POV
I walked around my party, looking for my little mate. Where is he? He was supposed to meet me by my cake in case we got separated.

I walked up to a random couple "PARDON me. Have you two seen Jungkook?" I ask them.

"Um, I think I saw him go upstairs, but I'm not entirely sure." The woman said.

"Ok, thank you." I say before walking upstairs.

As I walk up the stairs, Jungkook's scent starts to get stronger and stronger. When I get to my door it's so strong, it's intoxicating. Wait, did he start his heat.?.

I opened the door and immediately hit with the smell of vanilla and roses. Jungkook was laying on the floor, breathing heavily. His eyes open and look at me, before starting to glow blue.

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