Good Parents

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Jungkook POV
I was soundly sleeping. Dreaming about Taehyung and my boys, imaging what we're going to be like in the future and what the twins are going to look like in the future. 

I see Taehyung as the same dirty person as he is now. I honestly feel that Taehyung is going to be trying to have me until he takes his last breath. Which I don't mind. Last night was fun.

I slowly opened my eyes, as the dream sadly ended. My vision clears and I see the most amazing man sleeping next to me. He had a protective arm wrapped around my waist as he slept.

I smiled at him as my eyes slowly started to close again. My body wanted more sleep and I was going to give it just that.

"Waaaahh!" I heard being screamed from our baby monitor.

My eyes snapped open again at the sound of one of my babies crying.

I get up and start to head to sooth my baby, ignoring the pain from last night's actions. But I stood up and fell down.

"Ah ssss" I say as my legs immediately gave out from underneath me.

I hit ground. I tried to get up, but the pain from last night's actions were keeping me down. Dammit, Taehyung. I get we haven't done anything like that in a long time but you didn't have to destroy me.

And the worst thing is, his ass is currently sleeping through all of this.

"Kim Taehyung!" I screamed as I tried to push myself up again.

I hear shuffling in the bed and then a confused "Yes… Jungkook?"

"Down here." I say getting his attention.

He moves to my side. "Oh." He said as he got up. "Jungkook, what are you doing down here on the floor?"

"I don't know. I could ask you the same thing. What am I doing down here?" I say, very sassy and annoyed.

"Well, I don't know. That's why I asked you." Taehyung said, as he helped me back onto the bed.

I sighed. This man. "Just go get my child." I say while giving him a stern look.

Taehyung immediately goes and grabs a robe and puts it on before heading out of the room to go and get the twin who was crying. I, in the short mean time, rub my legs to try and get some feeling back.

Taehyung comes back within seconds with a crying Taeho, who is probably hungry. He gives me him and then goes back to grab the younger one of the two twins, Jungwon.

By the time he got back, Taeho had stopped crying because I had started to feed him. I looked down at Taeho as I fed him. Taehyung sits next to me while holding Jungwon.

"Kookie," He said while tapping my shoulder. "why are you mad at TaeTae?"

I looked at him. "Taehyung, I'm not mad at you. *he smiled* I'm just annoyed with you." I say as I  looked away from him with a pout.

"Whhhyyy?" He whined. 

"Because I can't feel my legs." I say in a pouty voice while stilling pouting.

"Hah? Wait, is that why you were on the floor?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, and you are the cause of this." I say. 

Taehyung chuckled a bit.

I turn to him. "It's not -"

He kisses me.

"Ok, next I'll be more gentle with you and your body, how does that sound?" He said.

My eyes go wide "Well you can be rough, but just don't break me again." I say while my cheeks are heating up.

Taehyung smirked at my comment "Oh. So we do like it rough?" He said in a deep, husky voice.

"Eh? I- shut up!" I say to him.

"It's ok, Jungkook. Because that information is for me and me only." Taehyung said into my ear in a hushed whisper.

I immediately blush worse than what I was doing before. My whole face is red. Taehyung just laughs at me.

"Not funny. Here take Taeho and give me Jungwon. I say to him.

Taehyung sets Jungwon on my lap before taking Taeho out of my arms. Then he stands up to burp him. I smile at Taehyung taking care of Taeho. He is honestly a great mate and father. 

Even if I'm annoyed at him right now, that can't defeat the fact that he is great and amazing at both things. I turn my attention to Jungwon and pick him up to start to feed him.

Time skip~

We were all in Taehyung's office. I was sitting on the floor playing with our boys, while Taehyung was finishing up some work.

"Boo!" I say as I reveal myself to the boys. 

A roar of baby giggles fills the office.

"I can hear that you guys are having some fun over here without me." I heard from behind me.

I watch as both boys react to the sound of their Appa's voice. They started to look around for him. I smiled at that.

"Aww, they both reacted to your voice." I say while holding my heart.

"Really?" He asked me, surprised.

"Yes, they know our voices. It's cute to watch when they look for you because they hear your voice but don't see you." I say while looking back at him.

Taehyung smiles at this and comes over to us. He sits down behind me. "That's adorable. I wish I would have seen it." He said while resting his head on my shoulder.

I smirk. "I'm sure you'll get to see it when they react to my voice." I say to him while giving the boys their rattle toys.

"Ok." He said pouty.

I lean back into his chest. "Taehyung, do you think we're good parents?" I ask him, randomly, while looking up at him.

"Huh?" He said while looking down at me.

"Do you think we're doing everything right for them." I say while looking back to the boys playing with their toys.

"Jungkook, I believe we're doing everything to the best of our abilities." He tells me.

"Hmm. But is that really ok?" I ask him.

"Of course it is. We're still new at this, so the best thing we can do is perform actions to the best of our abilities. If we succeed, great! We'll do that again. If we fail or it doesn't work, then we'll learn from that experience and try again with something else."

"The best parents in the world have failed at some point while raising their child/children. That's all a part of life, we'll fail and succeed, the boys will fail and succeed and their kids will fail and succeed. It's all a part of the process, Baby. Remember: You can't succeed without failing at least once in your life." He tells me.

I smile. "Thanks Taehyung." I say while struggling into his warmth.

"Anytime." He said.

There's one of the many reasons why I love him.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. Sorry for the late update, kinda forget it was an update day. I purple you all 💜💜💜

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