Crowned Kings

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Jungkook POV
I'm super nervous, excited, and scared right now all in one. Why you might ask. Well it's because I'm being crowned King today and so is Taehyung. 

You see Taehyung was going to be crowned a while ago, but he wanted to wait until I was going to be crowned too. So we could share this special event together and celebrate it together. Cute right? I know.

I was in my room, placing. I was freaking out because I would have to give a speech to my kingdom and Taehyung's. Both because we are both crowned together in the neutral zone between the Angel-Bunny and the Tiger-Demon kingdom.

I've never given a speech in front of the amount of people in my kingdom before, now the number is doubling?! Ah! I literally can't do this. My anxiety is through the roof right now. The crowds, the people staring at me, the having to talk in front of them, the being the center of attention were all triggers for me. I feel like crying right now.

And Taehyung can't come here and calm me down like he does because that would be bad luck for the kingdoms. It's kinda a tradition, the Queen and King, the Kings or Queens can't see each other before the crowning event. Kinda like how the Bride and Groom, the Grooms or Brides can't see each other before the wedding in the human world.

I know me freaking out is making Taehyung freak out too. When you or your mate feel much of any feeling, you or your mate can feel it too. Like if I feel very happy, Taehyung can feel that I'm feeling happy and vice versa. But the good feelings aren't as prominent as the bad ones. Like anxiety.

Just then my door opened to reveal a 4 month pregnant Jin-hyung and his mate, Namjoon-hyung.

I immediately ran over and hugged them, falling more into Namjoon-hyung since Jin-hyung is pregnant.

"Baby, what's wrong." Jin-hyung asked.

"I'm freaking out." I say back.

"Yes, we can see that." He said.

"Not to mention, Taehyung asking us to come over here and calm you down because you were making him nervous." Namjoon-hyung added.

"Why are you freaking out?" Jin-hyung asked.

"Because of this whole crowning thing." I tell them. 

"What do you mean?" Namjoon-hyung asked.

"I can't talk to all those people. I don't know how." I admit as I sit down on my bed

"What do you mean by that? It's easy. Just have what you are going to say ready and then just say it." Jin-hyung said with a smile.

"Easy for you to say, Hyung. You weren't locked up for your entire life and are only now being thrown in and focused into doing these things." I say, kinda annoyed.

"Oh, that's right. I'm sorry." He said.

I sigh. "I still sometimes get anxiety from talking to Namjoon-hyung. How am I going to talk to a whole two kingdoms? This is going to end badly. I'm going to make a fool of myself, and everyone is going to see me as their weak King. What am I going to do?" I say while looking down.

"Hey. Hey, don't be like that." Namjoon-hyung said while sitting down next to me. "Everything will be ok. Everyone who's going to be there knows what happened to you and your mother, so they will understand if you could do certain things." 

"Really?" I say to him.

"Of course." He said while rubbing my shoulder.

"Yea and if they don't, you'll have Taehyung up there with you to help you out during this. So if you truly can't, he will." Jin-hyung said while sitting down on my left.

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