Tiger-Demon kingdom

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After that I teleport back to my own room and get into bed. I feel absolutely amazing so do Artemis and Teagan. We got to mate with our mate and now there's a 95% chance of him getting pregnant with our cubs.

I'm so excited to be a Father. I think before falling asleep.

Jungkook POV
I wake up feeling drained and sore. Last night was amazing! It was my first time but I love it. We need to do that more often. I get up and limp to the bathroom to pee.

Once I sit on the toilet, a bunch of something comes out of my butt hole. I get worried that it's blood, so I stick my hand down there and feel it. When I pull my hand back, I see that it's white and sticky.

My eyes wide as I remember what I let Taehyung do last night. I let him cum inside of me... Meaning that I have a 95% chance of getting pregnant. My face turns into a smile. I'm going to be pregnant with my mate's baby. I'm so excited.

I finish in the bathroom then take my sheets off of my bed and open the windows. I look at myself in the mirror, I look absolutely horrible. I decided to take a shower and clean up. I grab some new underwear, my clothes for the day and head back into the bathroom.

After a 20 minute shower, I hop out and start to dry myself off. I feel much better now, that all the sweat and semen is off of me. I look in the mirror and brush my teeth before grabbing a new towel and drying my hair.

"Jungkook?!?" I heard a worried voice, that belonged to my mother, call out to me.

"Here, Ma!" I say as I open the door and run out to her.

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought you were missing." She said as she hugged me.

Thank god I took a shower because Taehyung's scent was all over me before this. "Ma, you don't need to worry so much about me." I tell her.

"Yes I do. Once you find your mate, you will be crowned King of the Angel-Bunnies. And you're in the age range to them. So for you to go missing now, would be horrible for the kingdom. So don't go everywhere, my son. Do you understand?" She said.

"It's not like I'm allowed to go anywhere anyway." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?" She asked sternly.

"Nothing." I say quickly "I understand, Ma."

"Jungkook, this is serious. You and your mate, whenever they be a boy or girl, will be in charge of this kingdom until your son finds his mate. That will be a long time. You and them will carry on the feud we have with the Tiger-Demons, not letting them forget what they did to us." She said as she walked over to the window and looked out at the sky.

I cringed because my mate is their soon to be King. I turn and look at her back. "But, Ma, why are we still in this feud? It was a mistake. A mistake to which they apologized for and begged for our forgiveness. Why can't we all just live in peace again." I say to her.

She turned around and looked at me with anger. "That mistake costed us our next heir to the throne. That would have ruined the Angel-Bunnies forever. Thankfully our ancestors were able to have another son quickly." She said as she walked closer to me.

"They wrongfully killed one of us and they will never have our forgiveness. They are bad dangerous people." She finished

"But Ma, what makes us any better than them? They killed from a mistake, yes. But we killed out of vengeance. You always taught me that two wrongs don't make a right, but here we are having a petty argument with them over two wrongs that were done hundreds of years ago." I say to her.

"Why are you like this? Why are you sticking up for them? Do you hate our people? Are you questioning your ancestors?" She asked me.

"Yes, I am. And I am sticking up for them. Because from the stories you and Pa tell me, they are better than us because at least they apologized. We were just being petty." I say to her, getting angry.

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