They Know

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I sigh again. I get up to go to the bathroom and I'm physically shaking from not eating for two days. I filled my stomach up with water, so it could have something in it. Then I go back to bed. I try to go to sleep, so I can stop feeling the hunger inside of me. I feel as my eyes slowly close and sleep takes me in finally.

Possible trigger warning ⚠️

Jungkook POV:
It has been two weeks since my punishments have started. Yes, I said punishments because my parents have continued to beat me throughout these two weeks. I finally get a break because they have an important meeting to go to in a kingdom far away, they'll be gone for a week.

I smiled. There aren't going to be many guards here, so maybe I can sneak the hyungs and Yugeom over. Especially Jin-hyung, I know I need some medical attention. And maybe Taehyung can come over too.

I slowly walked out of my room. All I need to do is get to the phone down the hall, make a quick phone call to Jimin-hyung and then get back to my room. Easy.

"Prince Jungkook, what do you think you're doing?" I heard a guard say from behind me.

Crap. I turn and see BamBam. He is one of my parents' most loyal guards, but he is still a great friend of mine.

I sigh in relief "Hyung." I say to him.

He walks up to me and looks at me weirdly and worriedly. "Jungkook, did you fall and hurt yourself?" He asked me.

He caresses my cheek where my Father had hit me before. I immediately nodded. "I forgot that I had set something down behind me and tripped and fell when I tried to walk." I lied to him while giving him a smile.

He smiled back "Oh ok. Now what are you doing?" He asked with a stern face.

"Well, since Ma and Pa were leaving, I was going to sneak my friends over because I haven't seen them in two weeks." I tell him honestly.

He sighs "Jungkook, you know that I can't allow that." He said to me.

My shoulders fall in disappointment and I nod "I know, Hyung. It's fine, I'll go back to my room." I say as I start walking back.

Quick BamBam POV:
I watched as Jungkook slowly walked back to his room. I feel bad for him. His parents only locked him up his entire life and no one knows why, not even Jungkook.

Jungkook was walking with his head down. I noticed some weird marks on his neck. They looked like belt or whip marks. I think 'Did the King and Queen hit him?" I mean it would make sense as to why they lock him up, to hide their shameful deeds.

Now I'm really starting to think. Does the King and Queen abuse Jungkook? I looked at the boy and he was slightly limping. How did I not notice this? I go over to the nearest phone and call Jungkook's friend, Seokjin, who's a doctor. I tell him that Jungkook needs medical attention and that he should bring the other three with him.

He thanked me for telling him and said that they will be over soon. I look at the direction Jungkook went and frown. 

"Don't worry, Kid. We'll get to the bottom of this."

Jungkook POV:
I sadly sit down on my bed. I really can't do anything. I decided to sleep because what else could I do. I lay down and get comfortable before falling asleep.

I wake up to hearing knocks coming from my door. I sit up confused. Who is at my door? A guard would've walked in already and my parents would've never knocked, so who is it.

I got up and opened the door. I'm shocked when I see Geomie and my hyungs. They hug me tightly, which hurts my back but I don't care. I missed them so much.

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