War on

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"Wait a minute. *I gulp* Is this a Tiger-Demon mark?"

Ma gasped again.

"Y-yes…" I say, very scared.

Pa slowly stepped away from me, looking very angry.

I gulp again. This is not going to end well.

Jungkook POV:
My parents were happy when they saw the mark on my neck. They were happy that I met my mate and that I was finally ready to become King. But they were not happy again when they further examined it and found out it was a mark of a Tiger-Demon.

My Pa slapped me across the face so hard that it knocked me to the ground."YOU LET A TIGER-DEMON MARK YOU!" He screamed at me.

I grabbed my face in pain "H-he's my m-mate. I-I couldn't h-help it." I say with fear in my voice and while looking up at him.


"B-but he is my mate. H-how am I supposed to k-know if I'll g-get another o-one?" I say as I back away from them.

"You hope and pray that the Moon Goddess will give you another!" Pa yelled.

"But what if she doesn't? What happens to our kingdom there?" I ask as my back hits the wall.

"Well you being a mateless would have been better than this! Our people hate the Tiger-Demons and they hate us!" Ma yelled.

"No they don't! They stopped hating us years ago and were actually happy that we were mates because they thought that this would finally end our "feud"!" 

"And our people don't know what the truth is because you two always tell them lies, so they have no choice than to believe guys. The only people who still have hatred is you two." I yell back

They look at me in disgust. My Father slowly walks up to me and grabs me by my collar. 

"It seems that our little boy has learned to be disrespectful. I think we should kill all the Tiger-Demons until we find his mate, then bring him back to kill him in front of our disrespectful child to show him that his actions have consequences." He said with an evil grin on his face.

My eyes go wide at his statement. They were going to start a war because my mate is a Tiger-Demon. They are absolutely crazy. 

"Yea, and we can hurt his friends too for being a bad influence. But this can all be stopped if you just stop seeing your friends and tell us your mate's name so we can go and kill him." Pa said with his voice getting eviller by the second.

"You two are out of your minds!" I screamed at them.

My Father pushed me up against the wall and started to choke me. I claw at his hands because I couldn't breathe. He just squeezed tighter.

"You dare call us crazy, Boy?! We'll show you crazy!" He said as he let go of my neck.

I fall to the ground, coughing and holding my neck. I look up to see my crazy Father dragging my concerned looking Mother out of the room. They were going out of their minds.

"Guards!" He heard Father scream. "Make sure he never leaves this place. Ever! We have a war to fight. *turns to me* We'll deal with you later"

The guards looked shocked at the situation at hand. They had saw everything they did and heard everything they said, but did nothing.

"No, you can't!" I say before coughing.

"Watch us." My Father said before walking out the room and locking the door behind him.

I quickly got up and went over to my phone in my room. I called Jin-hyung and was praying for him to pick up.

"Helllo?" Jin-hyung said into the phone.

"Hyung, please! They are going to start a war because they found out that I was mated to a Tiger-Demon! They are going to kill all of them until they find which one is my mate! They are also after you guys too because they think you guys are a bad influence on me! You need to warn everyone. Hyung, please!" I say very quickly into the phone.

"What?! Jungkook, what do you-" He was cut off by the line going dead.

I dropped the phone and fell to my knees. I started to cry. Jin-hyung is my last hope. Please, Hyung.

Jin POV:
I was working on a new potion to help other species heal up quicker. I haven't been able to get it yet, but these things take time. I ignored every phone I got in order to stay focused and not mess up.

I heard my phone start to ring. I didn't want to answer it but I had a dream about this exact situation, where I didn't answer the 10th call and something very bad happened. I quickly ran over and answered it.

"Hello?" I say into it.

"Hyung, please! They are going to start a war because they found out that I was mated to a Tiger-Demon! They are going to kill all of them until they find which one is my mate! They are also after you guys too because you guys are a bad influence on me! You need to warn everyone. Hyung, please!" Jungkook said very quickly into the phone.

My mouth falls to the ground because of this information. I was in complete shock that his parents are going this far because of this "hatred".

"What?!" I say shocked "Jungkook, what do you-"

I didn't finish my sentence when I heard the line go dead. Oh my God, this is actually happening. I dropped the phone and ran out the house before my parents could ask where I was going.

I arrived at the Tiger-Demon's territory in 7 minutes. I don't know I could run that fast but when adrenaline is pumping through my veins, apparently I can. And yes I ran while pregnant because I'm not that pregnant yet and this is very important.

I burst into the office room of the Royal Tiger-Demon family. I interrupted a peaceful conversation, but I didn't care, this was serious.

"Jin-hyung? What are you-"

"Shut up!" I screamed at Taehyung. "King Hyunwu, you need to get your kingdom ready to fight and protect."

"What? Why?" He asked, very concerned.

"Jungkook just called me. He said that his parents are going to come here and kill all of your people until they find Jungkook's mate AKA Taehyung here. He also said that they were after all of his friends because they are a "bad influence" on him. That reminds me, can I use your phone to call the others." I tell them. 

"Yes. But did he say when they were coming or what they were going to do besides kill us one by one?" King Hyunwu asked.

"No." I said as I started to dial the phone "The phone line went dead before I can even ask him what he meant. They cut the line or something."

Taehyung stood up quickly and started to walk out the room.

"Son, where are you going?" Queen Jiwon asked him.

"I'm going to get Jungkook." He said before turning away.

"But Taehyung they'll try and kill you." She said, very concerned.

"But that's a risk I'm willing to take in order to save my mate. I love him too much to do nothing." He said back to her.

She smiled at him. "Ok, Taehyung. Just please be safe. Come back to me, ok?" She said as she caressed Taehyung's cheek. He nodded and left the room.

I called Jimin, Hoseok and Yugeom and told them to come over to the Tiger-Demon territory. I, also called Namjoon, Yoongi, Bogum. They were very worried about it at first but then agreed. 

I went to go get help from the hospital and medical supplies because no matter how much we don't want it, there's going to be some blood.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

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