Art supplies

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Jungkook POV
I opened my eyes and Taehyung was gone. I was sad, but my parents were coming again and I knew that I'd see him again. I smiled at that.

Wait! His scent is everywhere in my room and on me. Crap! If my parents smell that someone was here they will literally kill me. Like I'd literally will be dead. 

I run up to the window and open it. I grabbed a towel and started to fan out the room. I can hear their footsteps coming closer. I was panicking. I'm dead!

That's when a big gust of wind blows into my room. But it was different then other wind blows. It had blue swirls in it. I was watching in aw. The swirls went around everything that was in my room and me. And then, they were gone.

And if on cue, my parents bursted into my room. They saw me sitting there in aw. They were confused and assumed the worst.

"Jungkook, who were you seeing?" Pa asked.

"What? No one was here. The wind just did something weird." I say to them.

"Yea, right. Let's look around for evidence, honey." Pa said to Ma.

They proceeded to tear apart my room. They ripped up and messed up a lot of my room. Including my artwork and art supplies. Some of my work was ok but all of my art supplies were ruined.

My art supplies… One of my only ways to find happiness here. The thing that helps me not… helps me stop… What am I going to do now?

I slowly walked over to my now broken art supplies and fell to my knees. I picked my favorite drawing pencil and looked at it sadly. 

"No evidence of anyone being here." Ma said.

"Ok, Jungkook, you're cleared. Clean up this mess and start on that drawing project we told you about." Pa said while dropping the last of my items.

"I can't…" I say quietly and sadly.

"And why not?" Pa asked sternly.

"You guys broke my art supplies. I can't draw anything now." I say while looking at my things, holding back tears.

"Oh well. You can just get new ones. Don't waste time on buying it because we want that to be ordered by Saturday. Thank. You." He said while grabbing my Mother's hand and pulling her out of the room.

Right when the door closed, my tears started to fall. I let out a whine of pain. This art supply was special to me because Jin-hyung got it for my birthday. The first time he celebrated it with me and the last time my parents did.

"Don't cry, Jungkook. Just ask him for a new one." Dakota said to try and make me feel better.

"Yeah, everything will be ok." Charlie said afterwards.

I just cried.

"Hey, just call him and ask him where he got it from or for a new one." Dakota said.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll help you. He knows how much you love drawing." Charlie said with a happy manner.

"Ok…" I say, sadly.

I get up and go over to the phone. I got myself together before I put in Jin-hyung's number and waited for him to hopefully answer.

"Hello?" He says into the phone.

"Jin-hyung…" I say.

"Jungkook? What's wrong, Baby?" He asked, concerned.

"Do you remember where you got that art set from? The one from when I was turning 5." I say, hopeful.

"Why? What happened?" He asked.

I broke down again. "They broke it while checking if someone had been in my room. All of it is broken." I cried out.

"They what?!?" He said while getting angry.

"Yea and they want me to draw this portrait thing for some piece of art they want BY SATURDAY  after they break all my stuff. So you knowing where you got it from would be great." I say while sniffling.

"Don't cry, Baby. I'll be over in a minute to fix it all up. Ok?" He said, softly.

"No, Jin-hyung, you don't have to. You can just tell me where you got it from. I'll just buy a new one." I tell him, not wanting to be a bother.

"No, Jungkook, I want to. Plus, I want to give my sad Angel-Bunny a hug." He said while sounding like he was moving.

"Ok… just don't get caught please. I'm not supposed to have people over." I tell him.

"Ok. Have your window open." He said.

"Already is open." I say with a smile.

"Ok, see you soon." He said.

"Bye, Hyung." I say before hanging up the phone.

I put the phone on the receiver and turn and look at my messy room. I sigh and squat down to start to clean up my things. Starting with hanging up my clothes again. 

Then when I'm done that, I start to pick up the knocked over things. Afterwards the broken glass from my picture frame.

"Ouch!" I say.

"What happened?" I heard Jin-hyung's voice say from behind me.

"I cut myself on the glass." I say while holding my bleeding finger.

"Ouch. Let me." He said as he started to tend to my finger.

Once he was finished, I thanked him and we very carefully picked up the rest of the glass. Then he helped me pick up the rest of my room until it was back to normal.

"Thanks again, Hyung." I say to him.

"Anytime. Now for your art stuff." He said while going over to it.

I watched from behind him as his hands turned bright purple and had magic coming out of it. I was so amazed. My art set was slowly being put back together again and not just that, they were starting to look brand new again. I wish I could use powers, but I can't.

"There. All done." He said while standing up.

"Thanks, Hyung!" I say, very happy.

"No problem. Now come here." He said while opening his arms. I go into them. "No need to cry anymore, my baby Angel-Bunny."

"Thanks again Hyung." I say.

"It was really nothing. Now I need to go but my parents notice that I'm gone. Bye bye." He said as he started to climb out my window.

"Adieu." I say to him.

After he leaves, I sit on my bed and start to draw the thing my parents wanted so I don't get in trouble.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

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